
Thursday, June 30, 2005

FAN DONGWANG artist in residence and current exhibitor at The Church Gallery

FAN DONGWANG is featured on the cover of the next issue of the Australian Art Review magazine and is the subject of their feature article. His exhibition continues at The Church Gallery until Sunday 10 July

264 Stirling Highway
Western Australia 6010
Ph 08 9384 1744 Fax 08 9384 1733

Gallery hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10 - 5. Sunday 2 - 5pm. Mondays and Tuesdays by appointment. The gallery is located on the corner of John Street and Stirling Highway. Parking is available on John Street and behind thegallery - except during openings.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Cordite #22 online now

This is a special 'poems from poetry editors' issue, entitled 'Editorial Intervention'. It's good to see what 'they' write themselves, right?

Go to and enjoy.

Rain stopped play ...

It's an old cliche in (mainly English) cricket - 'Rain stopped play' ... It happened last night at Egbaston with Australia scoring 262 or so and the Poms at the crease ... Here are the last words of commentary:

it has stopped raining and the covers are being taken off now, play
will restart in 15 minutes

oops! and it starts to rain again! they are bringing the covers
back on it's pouring down steadily now.
we are just 30 minutes away from the cut off time (9:45 local time)
and it's raining steadily

sadly with the rain showing no sings (sic) of easing out the match has
been abandoned here
thanks for being with us, do join us on Thursday for the Australia
v Bangladesh match

Good Night

Monday, June 27, 2005

Snapshots Gallery

Thank you, Randolph Healey, for publishing the Snapshot poems at Wild Honey Press. See them now at -

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS: While you're out looking at the planets, be alert also for electric-blue noctilucent clouds. Olaf Squarra of Rostock, Germany, photographed these over the Baltic Sea on June 24th:

An 8-minute movie of the display shows how the clouds ripple and move like waves in the ocean.
Noctilucent clouds (NLCs) are a mystery. They hover near the edge of space, far above ordinary clouds. Some researchers believe they're seeded by space dust. Others say they're a sign of global warming. Whatever they are, they're beautiful, and northern summer is the best time to spot them.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Great image of Sappho ... Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Many a word said in jest ... Posted by Hello

Hamilton Stone Review

Hamilton Stone Review, Issue 6, Summer 2005, Now Online!

Featuring fiction by Pat MacEnulty, Ramsey Wilkens, and Masha Zager and poetry by Gene Frumkin, Amy King, Kenneth Pobo, Joseph Somoza, David Hopes, Stephen Vincent, Bob Marcacci, Harriet Zinnes, Kerry O'Keefe, Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino, Eileen Tabios, Frederick Pollack, and David Howard.

Submissions to the Hamilton Stone Review

At this time, the Hamilton Stone Review is not open to unsolicited fiction submissions, but will be taking unsolicited poetry submissions until Sept. 15, 2005, for Issue #7, which will be out in October 2005.

Poetry submissions should go directly to Halvard Johnson at

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Joy is in the Detail

Well, if you can't read the detail on the Alice Haines poster following, the debut CD launch is at the Fly By Night Club on 16 July 2005 from 8 pm. $20 entry but there are other bands and a whole night's entertainment, so don't hold back!

Alice Haines CD launch should be a blast.  Posted by Hello

Monday, June 20, 2005

Great Leap Forward

The Cold War now is over but the stakes are getting higher
I'm frightened of collateral damage and of friendly fire
And I don't believe we can defeat no axis of evil
By putting smart bombs in the hands of dumb people

These are just some of the lyrics of 'Great Leap Forward' by Billly Bragg. He sang it on Andrew Denton's 'Enough Rope' on ABC TV some time back, but I have just now been reading the interview which concludes with these lyrics.

Here's the address for you to read the complete song and interview:

The Write Stuff competition

The WRITE STUFF competition closes on 30 June.

Anne Kellas can email entry forms to people,
From: "Anne Kellas" <>
or you can download them as PDFs or WORD docs from the web site at:

JUDGE: this year the poetry section is being judged by Stephen Edgar, who kindly agreed to be the judge long before he was announced as the winner of the inaugural Australian Book Review poetry prize. It is wonderful to have his support. The Write Stuff Poetry competition is now totally self-supporting, having started last year with some funding from a private poetry benefactor.

The Write Stuff is a money-losing venture ... All funds raised by the comp. go into the next comp and paying the judge etc.


Anne Kellas

Monday, June 13, 2005

Ryokan quote

With no-mind, blossoms invite the butterfly;
With no-mind, the butterfly visits the blossoms.
When the flower blooms, the butterfly comes;
When the butterfly comes, the flower blooms.
I do not "know" others, Others do not "know" me.
Not-knowing each other we naturally follow the Way.

Ryokan, Japanese poet. He lived as a Zen Buddhist monk in the Niigata area of Japan from the late 1700s through the early 1800s.

D. T. Suzuki wrote of Ryokan that “when we know one Ryokan, we know hundreds of thousands of Ryokans in Japanese hearts.”

Logo of Cipher Journal, very interesting ezine Posted by Hello

from Cipher Journal

the dao that is talked about is not steadfast
whatever you call it is not its regular name

from The Dao De Jing
by Laozi / translation by Thomas Meyer

This snippet from CipherJournal at Much interesting and good reading in translation and about translation.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

What Kind of World-view Do You Have?

Here's one of those fun-but-useless quizzes for you to waste your time with:

I'm a Postmodernist -surprise, surprise.

Raven at Stickybeaks Cafe (for Rosalind & Kay)

'Oh, go away!'
raven drops his complaint
to a grieving grizzle -
ah, ah, aaaaaahhh .
long last note after
the death of love.

'He'd be good as sculpture -
see? The shiny metal
of his feathers,
the fleshy bag of his chin.'
What would we make of him
if he was made by us?

Raven perches on
a glazed tree root
carved into a kangaroo
beside the playground.
'He should be in a museum
under glass - not here.'

Real? Art
is distanced from
this day, its chill
and laughing children.
Art? It is real root
and black raven -
Ah, ah, aaaaahhh.