
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

from foam:e - 10 Years publishing in cyberspace!

We invite submissions for the next edition of foam:e to be published in March 2013. Please use the word foam:e in the subject line and send up to 6 poems in the body of an email to the editor.

Submissions will only be accepted between July and November 2012. Submissions received before July will not be looked at. The poems should be your own work, not currently submitted to any other journals and if previously published, foam:e wishes to acknowledge the journals in which they've previously been published so this information should be included in the submission. We prefer new, fresh current work. Before submitting to foam:e, please read our previous issues.

By submitting to foam:e please be aware you give consent to foam:e being archived by the National Library of Australia's Pandora Project and Australian poets being indexed by AustLit.

Issue 10 of foam:e will be jointly-edited by Angela Gardner and Louise Waller
Books for Review should be sent to: light-trap press, PO Box 6418, St Lucia, Qld 4067 Australia.

What's on at Perth Poetry Club this Saturday ...

Saturday 4th August: Mark Lloyd and Larraine Duncan
At the Moon Saturday 4th August: Perth Poetry Club presents

  Mark Lloyd and Larraine Duncan

2pm, 323 William St Northbridge.

Read PPC's blog to get some background on these magnificent guests.

OMG! poets coming up at Perth Poetry Club:
11th August: Scott Patrick Mitchell and David Vincent Smith

18th August: Steve Smart (Double Feature)


Please join us for the launch of A Simple Rain on 

Monday, 6th August, 2012 at 7pm at Crow Books, 
900 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park, W.A. 6101.

The 2012 Creative Connections Art & Poetry Exhibition 

will be launched on Saturday 4th August at 
City Farm, East Perth, 10 am to 3 pm. It showcases 
artwork by disabled artists and poetry written spec-
ifically to the artwork by local and national poets. 

Graham Edwards AM will launch the exhibition supported 
with live music and poetry readings. Artwork is for sale 
with 90% of the proceeds being returned to the artist. 
Google ‘creative connections art and poetry’ for details.

Coming up is the big weekend!!! The Perth Poetry gig 

of the year! 17th, 18th and 19th August is the weekend 
of the Perth Poetry Festival.  The festival program is 
now available online at

Monday 13 August, 7.45pm start. VOICEBOX 

features Meg McKinlay and Anna Kiss-Gyorgy.
At Clancy's Fish Pub, Fremantle. 51 Cantonment St.
Poets and songwriters, open mike is strictly 

limited so get there early. Friendly Freo vibe. 
Donation $5/$3 conc.

Fortnightly Fridays: Poetry Pantree from 6pm
at Soul Tree Cafe, 5/3 Railway Parade Glen Forrest.
$5 entry; or $25 for entry plus organic dinner 

and dessert.
Contact Jazmin 9298 9997.
Next: 3rd August

Janet Jackson's POETRY KITCHEN continues,
10am-12 on Wednesdays.
Constructive criticism, writing experiments, 

morning tea, good company.
Bookings and enquiries (or phone 0406 624 578)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Hear the Poetry of Love - from WA Poets

Do you remember Valentine's Day 2012? Well, on that night of 14th February, WA Poets Inc and the South Perth Zoo combined to present a Love Poetry night - with poets, musicians, wonderful sponsors and a delightfully responsive crowd. 
Now you can see and hear it again on this video. The sound isn't brilliant but it will give you a taste of the atmosphere and the enjoyment of many fine poems. 

Ellington Club presents 'A Saucy Little Secret'

From 31st July to 4th August at 6pm A Saucy Little Secret set to Scandalise Perth – One week only

Don’t miss this opportunity to see HMS PopUp Productions ‘A Saucy Little Secret’, a masterful modern theatre cabaret following the lives of five strong women whose music and attitudes influenced the development of modern music, queer lifestyle and racial tolerance. Famous not only for their music, but also for their progressive and alternative attitudes to sexuality, race issues and relationships, Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Gladys Bentley, Ethel Waters and Alberta Hunter, all broke into the music scene through the buffet flats and rent houses of Harlem, but rose to be successful and wealthy recording artists in their own right. Perth’s premier jazz, soul and blues musicians come together to share their untold stories. Kali Caramia, Libby Hammer, Odette Mercy, Natalie Gillespie and Harry Deluxe give five daring performances, weaving their way through stories both dangerous and decadent, often tragic and comic all at once. Spectacular Perth celebrity, Magnus Danger Magnus, holds court with the ladies as a most engaging, and slightly dangerous, Maitre D. Click here for tickets

The Ellington Jazz Club
191 Beaufort Street, Perth.  

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Long Story, Short - Literary Journal COMING SOON

Short stories too short for you? As a reader? As a writer? Well, good news on the way. Read on -

Monthly (long) short stories are coming your way...

We love short shorts. Flash is fantastic. But as the great short story is shrinking to 3000 words or less in many literary journals, we've begun to wonder Where have all the long short stories gone? The Long Story, Short literary journal will be the home of stories between 4000 and 9000 words, launching in mid-October 2012. One story will be published every month, and submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis. (For guidelines, check out the Submissions page.) Think of us as the literary equivalent of the slow food movement.  We are also seeking original artwork and photography which will accompany the stories. 

'Melaleuca 37' now out - An interesting mixture!!

Phillip Ellis edits this online Oz poetry magazine - and it always has surprises in it! No diviation here - but I'll let you have a browse and make up your own minds. There's Rae Desmond Jones and Les Wicks split by a mysterious poet called Prof Vat Lech

And on the first page, there are submission instructions - so go to it. 'Melaleuca' may be your poetry's next port of publication.

Click HERE to view the issue.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

Erotic Flaubert

The following text is from some notes made after a translation of 

Erotic Pages from Flaubert's 

*Voyage en Egypte*

 by Eric Mader-Lin

5) Flaubert lent his manuscript of this travel journal to Louise Colet, a married woman with whom he had recently broken off an affair of several years. Colet found the detail concerning the bedbugs repugnant. In a letter, Flaubert defended himself: "You tell me Kuchiouk Hanem's bedbugs degrade her in your eyes. As for me, it was just that that I found enchanting. Their sickening odor mingled with the perfume of her body dripping with sandalwood. I want there to be a bitterness in everything, an eternal slap in the face right in the midst of our triumphs, and even desolation itself accompanying our enthusiasm. This reminds me of Jaffa, where, in entering, I breathed in simultaneously the scent of the lemon trees and that of rotting cadavers: the torn-up cemetery allowed one to see skeletons with the flesh half rotted away, while at the same time the green bows of the trees balanced over our heads their golden fruits. Don't you sense how this poetry is complete, how it is the great synthesis?"

6) In the letter to Louise Colet quoted above, Flaubert writes: "I return to Kuchiouk. It is we who think of her, but she would hardly think of us. We are fabricating the aesthetic on her account, while at the same time that famous traveler, that interesting man who had the honors of her couch, he has completely departed from her memory, like so many others. Oh, how traveling makes one modest! One sees the tiny place one has in the world."

The erotic translations are available at

This site pointed out to me by Max Richards, poet and dog-walker. Thanks, Max.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

2012 WA Poetry Festival Program - so far ...

A draft program for the 2012 WA Poetry Festival is now online at

The printed program and the posters will be out this weekend

Keep checking the website for changes as we have had some late venue changes

Gwen Harwood Poetry Prize 2012

The 17th annual Gwen Harwood Poetry Prize, offering a first prize of $2000 plus publication in Island, as well as two minor prizes of $500, is open for entries from 17 July to 17 August.
The competition will be judged by Island poetry editor, John Kinsella and The Age poetry editor Gig Ryan.
Poems of up to 80 lines. Entry fee $15.
Winners announced 26 Sept. For details/entry forms, click here.

2012 PressPress Chapbook Award


The PressPress Chapbook Award is for an unpublished chapbook length manuscript of poems. The winning manuscript will receive $500 and chapbook publication with PressPress. The Award will be announced on the PressPress site.

Conditions of entry
1. The manuscript should be an original poetry manuscript of chapbook length (ie 20 to 40 pages). It must be unpublished (ie not in a magazine, not a zine, not on a site or any other form of publication) and not on offer to another publisher in Australia or elsewhere (except that individual poems can be already taken or on offer to journals, sites or anthologies where you keep the copyright).
2. The Award will be made to the best overall chapbook received. PressPress reserves the right not to make an award if the standard of submitted entries is insufficient or to split an Award.
3. The Award will be judged by the PressPress Award panel: the decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
4. The Award, $500 (AUD) and publication of the manuscript as a PressPress chapbook, will be announced on the PressPress site. The final content of the winning chapbook will be negotiated with PressPress editors.
5. The author's name and address must be supplied but appear not on the manuscript. 
6. Submissions should be made through the submissions manager. Contact PressPress by mail or email if, for some reason, you can’t submit through the submissions manager. (PO Box 94 Berry 2535 Australia or
Entries must be sent by 30 July 2012 but you can submit any time before then.
8.The administration fee is $18 (AUD) per entry. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lew Welch, lost poet of the Beat generation

Lew Welch  
City Lights Publishers 
$17.95 paperback, 256 pages  

Lew Welch is the one that got away. Gary Snyder called him "the most talented, the golden boy," the poet who wrote constantly but published only one major book, the seeker who lost his way, the drinker and depressive who tried to hold it together and couldn't, the man who went in the woods and never came back. 

Welch (1926-71) went to Reed College in the late 1940s with Snyder and Philip Whalen, three friends who lived together for a time in a house on Southeast Lambert Street and inhaled poetry like it was oxygen. Snyder and Whalen became famous as part of the Beat generation; Welch did a book with Jack Kerouac, who based a character in "Big Sur" on him, but didn't get the same notoriety as his peers. 

Welch is best known, sad to say, for the last day of his life, May 23, 1971. He was staying at Snyder's place in the Sierra Nevada mountains and planned to build a cabin on Allen Ginsberg's land. In a deep depression, he took a revolver and hiked in the mountains. 

"I never could make anything work out right and now I'm betraying my friends," was the first line of a note he left behind. "I went Southwest" was the last. His body was never found. 

"Ring of Bone: Collected Poems" is Welch's major work. Exuberant, funny, dark, hypnotic, Welch's poems are as infused with nature as Snyder's and as spiritually alive as Whalen's. They're technically brilliant, grounded in form and wildly experimental. They progress from the early poems (Welch was first published in Janus, the Reed literary magazine) through the "Hermit Poems" from his time in a cabin in the Trinity Alps to his final brief prose poems. 

The book was out of print until City Lights Books came through with a new edition that has a foreword by Snyder and some new material. A few more angles on Welch: 

Welch, Whalen and Richard Brautigan lived together in San Francisco in 1964. Don Carpenter, another writer with Oregon ties who committed suicide, described Welch at the time to William Hjortsberg in "Jubilee Hitchhiker" as "tall, thin, handsome, always wearing a crooked smile. Welch liked to think of himself as a hip con man. He liked to drink and sit in the Jazz Workshop and listen to good music. He loved Sausalito and the No Name Bar, and he loved to play pool and skulk about the Tenderloin." 

In June of that year, Welch met a woman named Magdalena Cragg at the No Name Bar. She had two sons from a previous marriage. One of them, Hugh, loved Welch and later took his name in his honor when he became a musician, Huey Lewis. 

Welch was an advertising writer for a while and is credited with coming up with the slogan "Raid kills bugs dead." It's a good story, and it might be true. 

Snyder never doubted that Welch killed himself. "There's always been a curiosity about him. Part of it is that his body was never found." 

It's the mystery of it. 

"Partly the mystery of it. I'm convinced that he did commit suicide. Lew was a social guy. He couldn't disappear and not tell us." 

Whalen described Welch's writing process to Hjortsberg: "Lewie, of course, was always putting himself down all of the time. He would show you some piece of writing and say, 'Here's that thing that I started.' And you'd say, 'Well, terrific, Lewie.' Mumble, groan, mumble. 'No good, no ... good.' It's just that he was always very persnickety. He wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. He had this facility for working in his head which was really remarkable. It would take months before he would commit anything to paper, and then he wouldn't like that." 

Welch to Snyder in an April 27, 1960 letter: "My long depression a dark night of the liver, not the soul." 

"Sober, the world looks just the same. I have been (sneakily, not even my closest friends really dug -- though Joanne (Kyger) seems to have suspected) half-loaded since 1952. However, sober it is easier to realize that the atrocities are not arranged for my personal despair." 

William Carlos Williams came to Reed in 1950 for a reading and became something of a mentor to Welch, who sent him a copy of one of his books with a note in 1960: "It's been so long since we wrote, I feel I ought to reintroduce myself: I was that kid at Reed in 1950 who wrote what you called 'the Stein script.' Then I spent a fine afternoon with you and Flossie (Williams) -- we talked about everything and Flossie cooked a fine pot roast. 

"We stopped writing in 1951 or 2 when I cracked up in Chicago. From then on it's the same story: learning, in America, how to crack out not up -- many failures, a few gains, good friends though, and the continuing deep certainty about the first things: what always brings up, with a little help, through." 

Welch to his mother, Nov. 4, 1950: "We do not speak the language of England and our poetry should not have the English form. We talk American, and the poet's job is to intensify this dialect, sharpen it into poetry, keep the words clean and sharp, and MAKE things out of them." 

Two lines from one of Snyder's favorite Welch poems: 

Guard the Mysteries! 

Constantly reveal them! 

-- Jeff Baker

Opportunities for Poets

Here are some interesting Opportunities for poets, relayed from the 2012 QPF Third Newsletter:


SpeedPoets Zine
If you have a few poems that are currently without a home, send them off for the August edition of SpeedPoets Zine. To submit, send up to 3 poems in the body of an email to geenunn(at) with the subject SpeedPoets Submissions
. SpeedPoets is a not-for-profit organisation, and distributes the magazine free of charge at the monthly event).

Stilts Handbook of Adventure
Stilts are currently collecting story of journey, abandon, and unknown for their upcoming issue. They are looking for pieces to to take while travelling along the highway, or sailing the seven seas, or tucked under the doona on a hungover Sunday. Submissions close 31 July 2012, and details can be found on the Stilts website.

Peter Porter Poetry Prize
Entry to the ninth annual Australian Book Review Poetry Prize – named the Peter Porter Poetry Prize, in memory of the late Australian poet – is now open.The prize is one of Australia’s most lucrative and respected awards for poetry, and guarantees winners wide exposure through publication in ABR. First prize is $4,000, and shortlisted poems win $400. Closing date: 30 November 2012. Visit ABR for more info.

2012 WA Poetry Festival Workshops

Poetry and Emotion with Jake Dennis
Friday 17th of August 3pm to 5pm

Page to Stage with Kate Wilson
Saturday 18th of August 10am to 12pm

Marketing Yourself as a Poet with Steve Smart
Sunday 19th of August 10am to 12pm

Multilingual Poetry Workshop With Tineke Van der Eecken
Monday 20th of August 10am to 12pm

Words & Music with Andy White
Monday 20th of August 3pm to 5pm

All workshops conducted at:
Kaos RoomBlue Room Theatre
53 James Street,

Details and book on line at:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Rottnest Island - Third Day

Flying in the Museum

At The Basin - nostalgia trip

Across the Basin to the Lighthouse - Bathurst Pt.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rottnest Island - First Day

35% of power provided by wind power

lots of ways to go

colonial times Pilot's House

saving light

qoukka, the original 'rat'

Mark this one in yr diary - and BOOK NOW


The Blue Room Theatre and Follow That Cat present:
Written by Vivienne Glance

31 July – 18 August 7pm
Meet the artists – Wed 8 Aug

Tickets from $15-25

The Blue Room Theatre
53 James St,
Perth Cultural Centre, Northbridge
For online ticketing visit: 
or phone: 08 9227 7005

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Portraits Page(s) - via Charles Bernstein

Portraits page 1 : Regis Bonvicino, George Lakoff, Heny Hills, Mimi Gross, Loss Pequeno Glazier, Caroline Bervgvall

Portraits page 2
 : Pierre Joris, Wysten Curnow, Levhi Lehto, Robert Grenier, James Sherry, Johanna Drucker

Portraits page 3
 : Ann Lauterbach, Karen Mac Cormack, Steve McCaffery, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Nick Piombino, Richard Tuttle

Portraits page 4
 : Rd Smith, Nicole Brossard, Douglad Messerli, Peter Middleton, Norman Fischer, Tina Darragh

Portraits page 5
 : Myung Mi Kim, Charles Alexander, Alan Davies, P. Inman, Phong Bui, Bob Perelman

Portraits page 6: 
Kennth Goldsmith, John Yau, Peter Gizzi,  Dubravka Djuric,  Elizabeth Willis, Tan Lin

Portraits page 7: John Ashbery, Rae Armantrout, Emma Bee Bernstein, Susan Howe, Sigmund Laufer

Portraits page 8: Maggie O'Sullivan, Christian Bök, Darren Wershler, Tony Foster, Marty Ehrlich & Erica Hunt, Lev Rubinstein

Portraits page 9: David Antin, Ted Greenwald, Jerome Rothenberg, Diane Rothenberg, Ron Silliman, Joel Kuszai

These video recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. (C) 2006 Charles Bernstein. Used with permission of Charles Bernstein. Distributed by PennSound.

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Day In The Life - for Zimmy

My chest clenches
and I fumble in my pocket
for the Nitrolingual spray.

I’m walking
my damaged heart and dog
through tall gums.

You can watch so much
television, you can nap
just so many hours

then you itch
to do things, simple things
like stretch your legs

and walk.
I stand under a tree
to catch its breath.

A Nitrolingual mist
is working its way
through dank slums

to open the way ahead.
Zimmy sits at my feet, tongue
hanging like

a flag at half mast.
‘Come on,’ I say,
‘let’s go.’


in Undercover of Lightness: New and Selected Poems, pub. 2012 Walleah Press

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Zimmy (2008-2012) RIP

Our much-loved rascal died today. She chased one too many
4X4s and died instantly after being hit in the head. 
Rest in peace, our little pal. We won't ever forget you.

7 New FREE ebooks from White Sky Books

if youre looking for some interesting reading, which will challenge your conceptions of what language is and can do, i suggest you check out these books.

language is more than dictionaries, canons, and/or metrics----it is sound, visuality, and mainly experience---the interest to experiment with experience is what makes for a challege to the readerly mind.

but if the reader has an open mind-----you may find something of interest here-----free to read, free to download, free to print out, and free to share with friends.

Matt Margo
Child of Tree

Ivan Argüelles

Raymond Farr

Raymond Farr
Two Texts

Jane-Joritz Nakagawa
Invisible City

Jim Leftwich
Six Months Aint No Sentence - Book 9
Jim Leftwich
Six Months Aint No Sentence - Book 10

Kindly sent by Peter Ganick

LAUNCH: A Simple Rain Monday 7th August

Please join the authors, the publishers and family and friends
 at the launch of A Simple Rain on Monday 6th August 7pm at
Crow Books 900 Albany Highway East Victoria Park WA 6101

RSVP/for more information contact

Monday, July 16, 2012

Regime 01 is in the starting blocks - Get ready ...

Regime 01 >> 27 August 2012

Getting set to launch: We're pleased to announce that Regime 01, the first edition of the magazine of writing published by the Regime Books collective, will be launched at The Bird on Monday 27 August 2012, 6pm. Please reserve the date in your diary.

The Editors have been amazed at the quality of the work in the first edition. Here is the full list of the great writing you can expect.


Andrew Burke - Notebook 'singing they sang'
Virginia Jealous - Oiling the decks
Amanda Joy - Conjoined
Barnaby Smith - Autopsy (Song for the CBD)
Matt Davies - Fifty-Dollars a Dance
Adrian Flavell - peak-hour
Warrick Wynne - Map of Cannons Creek
Rosalee Kiely - 'The Heart is a Lonely Hunter'
Christopher Konrad - Apology of a Lyricist
Yannis Hondros - Abrolhos Man
Peter Jeffery - We Are Half Cousin to the Fish
Toby Davidson - Sunset, Cottesloe
Richard James Allen - The Secret Oeuvre of Our Man On the Street
Robbie Coburn - There Are No Strangers
Lorne Johnson - Visionary
Andrew Bifield - After the Bucks' Night
Mike Greenacre - Skeleton
Aaron Furnell - Crack Den Delight
Gail Willems - Tripped Out
Helga Jermy - Second Skin
Sophie Curzon-Siggers - selkie child
Flora Smith - Swan River Colonist
Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne - Memories are our Truest Heirlooms
Janet Jackson - there
Zan Ross - Historical Leathers
Ian C. Smith - Water Sports (for Jordan)
Jan Napier - Childhood Diabetes

Short Stories

Ari Mattes - The Toys Do Not Speak
Petri Ivalo Sinda - The Sound of Biological Functions
Kailash Srinivasan - Deo Volente
Chris Palazzolo - Appointment with an Orphic Headhunter
Harold Mally - My Wife, the Novelist
Damon Lockwood - City Rubber Stamps
Julia Osborne - Maitland's Cow
Shey Saint-Malo - Thalasso
Rebecca Raisin - Shades of Sienna
Debbie Stephan - Inside Knowledge
Peter Rondel - The Ace of Spades

Film Script

Ruth Stubbings - Delores
We can't wait to see you in August.
Yours sincerely,
The Editors.

Need a copy?
Stay tuned: There is an internaut working on the new website and exactly how you will be able to get copies of Regime 01. We'll email you about this, we promise. It's just that the interwebz takes forever to negotiate. We're also working on ways you can buy Regime 01 in an actual, real life book shop.
Find Us
Where we are: We have an office and you're welcome anytime. We're above our good friends at Fair Go Trading, 456 William Street, Perth. If no one's home, you can always spam Nathan Hondros on: or call: 0406 261 396. He won't be far away.

Issa Haiku

the rear goose--
well, well
a sore foot

-Issa, 1812

Saturday 21st July Amber Fresh and Chris Konrad at Perth Poetry Club

At the Moon 323 William Street, Northbridge
2pm Saturday 21st July: Perth Poetry Club presents
Amber Fresh and Chris Konrad

Read Perth Poetry Club blog to get some background on these magnificent guests.

Poets coming up at Perth Poetry Club:
28th July: Donald Petrides and Caroline Samridge
4th August: Mark Lloyd and Larraine Duncan


The 2012 Creative Connections Art & Poetry Exhibition will be launched on Saturday 4th August at City Farm, East Perth, 10 am to 3 pm. It showcases artwork by disabled artists and poetry written specifically to the artwork by local and national poets. Graham Edwards AM will launch the exhibition supported with live music and poetry readings. Artwork is for sale with 90% of the proceeds being returned to the artist. Google ‘creative connections art and poetry’ for details.

Don't forget A Blizzard of Performance Poetry presented by Mezzanine Arts at Darlington Main Hall Saturday 21st July, 7.30 - 10pm. Some tickets still available.

Fortnightly Fridays: Poetry Pantree from 6pm
at Soul Tree Cafe, 5/3 Railway Parade Glen Forrest.
$5 entry; or $25 for entry plus organic dinner & dessert
Contact Jazmin 9298 9997.

Janet Jackson's POETRY KITCHEN continues,
10am-12 on Wednesdays.
Constructive criticism, writing experiments, morning tea, good company.
Bookings and enquiries (or phone 0406 624 578)