
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Joint Subscriptions with Westerly


Westerly is pleased and very excited to be launching a new range of joint subscriptions with journals all around the country. The first four to be offered are:
Westerly and Island
island black logo
Westerly and Overland
Overland cropped
Westerly and The Lifted Brow
Westerly and Southerly
Southerly logo white

For more details and to subscribe, see here.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Ninth Honorary Doctorate for Acclaimed Australian Poet Les Murray

Les Murray's Fredy Neptune is regarded as one of the great masterpieces of the English language in the 20th century

The Doctor of Letters, Honoris Causa awarded by the University of Notre Dame to Australia's pre-eminent poet, Les Murray at the University's Broadway campus Tuesday night is the ninth honorary doctorate the 77-year-old has received.

"To receive an award like this is a great compliment," the down- to-earth bush-born poet says, but adds that while he appreciates each of the doctorates he has received, there's "no need to make a big media event out of it."
Not only was the University of Notre Dame's Doctor of Letters presented to Les Murray by the UNDA Vice Chancellor, Professor Celia Hammond, the ninth honorary doctorate bestowed on him during his  40-year-long literary career, but is  the second awarded this year, and the first he has been able to accept in person.
"I was sick and couldn't go to the graduation ceremony at ACU where I was to give the keynote address and be made a Doctor of the University. I had a bad patch with various illnesses in the second quarter of this year. So ACU had to postpone the actual ceremony which I think is going to take place later this year," he says.
The period of ill-health now over, he insists he is doing "fine."
Although unable to attend the ACU ceremony in May this year, he says he has been looking forward to the ceremony at Notre Dame where he also gave the keynote address.
"I did what I usually do in reply to the screed they read out about what a good fellow I am. This is say a few words and then read a few poems," says the man rated by the National Trust as one of Australia's 100 Living Treasures.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015


                                               by Murray Jennings

A quote from Garrison Keillor as the entry point to a collection of poems is indication enough
that what follows is bound to take the reader out of body and into mystery, for a considerable
part of the time: ‘I wanted to live several lives, which meant abandoning some.’

The cover painting, ‘Man and Cow with Mask’, by Quint Buchholz, is quite startling and
bears some relationship to the Keillor quote. The man is concealing his face behind a coyote-
head mask as he encounters a black cow upon whose head someone has placed a white 
teatro mask of tragedy. Why?

To seek the answer I went straight to the collection’s title poem. And I confess, I was lost
from the outset.

To explain: The book is divided into six sections. Section III, ‘Coyote Barks Music at the
Moon’, contains a number of groups of poems, the first of which is ‘Trickster’, which in turn,
encompasses nine sub-poems (my term) that explore elements of Native American
mythology. And the first of these, ‘Identity’ has Coyote saying ‘I am contradiction /
somewhere on ladder from man to god...’ and closing with ‘I cannot help but give you / tease
you leaven you / with my greatest gift: / con- / fusion’

For which I am grateful, because I remain confused by much of the entire section, while
simultaneously marvelling at the richness of the language as Coyote, Wolf and Trickster
weave words around creation, fire, life, song, dance and death. However, I am comforted in
my confusion by the opening lines of ‘Shadow Play, one of the poems following ‘Trickster’.
‘Relax: it is only midnight. / You have centuries until daybreak / for the story to

I will persevere. As should anyone else who picks up this book.

Elsewhere in the collection, the poet explores mythologies in places as far apart as Japan and
Spain. He draws on art, music, travel, love, sex, relationships between people and their
relationships with certainties and the unknowable.

Shane McCauley is living his ‘several lives’, and letting us in on many aspects and
experiences. He is not afraid to go naked in our presence.

Like me, other readers will be seduced out of the present, to step through various framed
transparencies into other times, as in ‘Ostia Antica’, where the poet  urges us to ‘Leave your
21st century shoes at the gate / and stroll without a watch...’ You are down near the mouth of
the River Tiber, but you are no coach-trip tourist; you are an amateur scholar, a romantic,
drinking it all in from 2,000 years ago, head still spinning from your time in Rome.

Because I am not a serious scholar, this was not intended to be a book review. I have been
asked for what are, simply, one reader’s impressions. I will mention just a few of the many
poems which, for various reasons, leap out at me, calm me, delight me, and inform me. And
like me, I am certain that many other readers will be seduced out of the present and our
imposed clockwork lives, into the mind and heart of an exceptional poet. 

From the first section, ‘Wind-spooked’ will delight all cat-lovers, as a brilliant, observational
piece describing the actions of a cat retreating from the wind and rain. 

‘Hives in Winter’ is a tightly-constructed, highly-imaginative description of a community
(‘the village’) of bees. The opening line is surely an original, the reversal of an image:
‘Middle winter mist rises like dry ice’.

In ‘Serenity’, the poet talks of the high stranded moon at dawn, ‘as if made of gauze...beneath
it / all the weary tumult of the earth / fitful / and just about to wake.’ As a poet myself, I
would have had trouble coming up with something so new to say about the moon and its
effects on us. And what a line! ‘All the weary tumult of the earth’, encompassing so much of
what goes on down here, without even a hint of a specific. He leaves that up to us.

The moon and another cat make brief appearances in section II, ‘Pine Trees in the Rain’,
fifteen poems devoted to Japan. ‘Autumn Moon at Tama River’ has the moon described as
‘blatant / and full as a drunkard, resting on a tree top'. Yes! I’ve seen it like that. And I’ve
seen pollen on a cat’s fur, mentioned in ‘Spring is a Cat’, but then the poet takes flight into
the final couplet, ‘Spring’s emerald life leaps / and romps on a cat’s long whiskers.’ It’s in
such stretches of a poet’s imagination that we are gently transported into dimensions of sheer

In several of the sections there are love poems, of which several are at least faintly erotic,
sensual, even sexual; but never gratuitous in their references. ‘This is the Photo’ is such a
gentle poem, but even in one simple, three-line stanza, the physical sensuality is evoked
beautifully. ‘and your eyes / even when closed / how I swim under your lids...’
In ‘Three’s a Crowd’, there is comedy. And a tragedy of sorts, at the expense of the narrator.
The elephant in the bedroom is actually a parrot! The bird simply has to go! And once it’s
ejected, you’d expect the love-making to commence...

Eros is present also, in ‘Fig’, an extraordinarily clever, short, highly sensual, visual poem,
about which I’ll say no more, except that it could well evoke a heavy sigh from a hetero male.
I have mentioned earlier, being informed by many of the poems in this collection. Not as
overtly as a lesson might, but by names, references, paths from one idea to another, and so
on. For example, the poem, ‘Holderlin’s Room’ and the one on its facing page, ‘Pallaksch’,
stopped me in my tracks. Who is this Holderlin? (with an umlaut over the ‘o’).

I looked him up in my Dictionary of Writers. Briefly, Johann Holderlin (1770 – 1843) was a
German poet who studied philosophy and theology, suffered from schizophrenia, spent a year
of his mid-thirties in an asylum, and whose greatness was not recognised until 80 years after
his death, when Rainer Rilke and others alerted the German public to his worth. So here is
Shane McCauley in Frankfurt, visiting a room once occupied by Holderlin in isolation,
sketching in spare poetics, some aspects of the German’s life and thoughts and commenting
that ‘...madness / is something / only others see.’

 The other piece of information, gleaned from the poem opposite, is the meaning of its title,
‘Pallaksch’, revealed as a footnote. It is Holderlin’s invented word meaning: yes and no.
When I thought about that, it seemed logical that there should be such a word. I read the
poem only after pondering the footnote.

‘Pallaksch’ is deceptively simple in its presentation down the page. You can read it in
seconds. But to do that is to ignore what it is intended to unlock and free up in your mind.
Read it slowly, aloud, from the opening lines: ‘with this one word / all wrong answers / a
thing of the past / all mysteries solved...’ down through a list of unfinished questions such as
‘is there life after’ and ‘do you take this woman’ down to an open ending, whereupon you are
immediately drawn back to the beginning, to perhaps re-think your previous conclusions.

I could name many more of these poems which have gripped, surprised, or amused me. After
all, there are 125 to choose from. I could quote verbatim some haiku, or trace a route through
some of the poet’s places and experiences close to home, in Australia. I could point out some
of the many subtle, unforced rhymes. Perhaps a practised reviewer might do some of that, but
there is always the risk of saying too much and spoiling it for readers intent on discovering
the delights for themselves.

Instead, I will mention just two more:

‘Beside My Brother’s Grave’ is without doubt, one of the most moving poems I have read,
related to the death of someone close.
The final poem, ‘Larvatus Prodeo’, has the poet wearing a mask ‘...grafted so perfectly / I
forget I ever looked otherwise...’, advancing beneath a ‘harmless concealment’? Or
‘...otherwise / naked and failed’..’.running gibbering / from life’s heat / into mist / into
dissolving sleet.’   

Shane McCauley may have been speaking personally there, but I don’t think so. It seems to
me that this concealment behind the mask has been his way of advancing ‘naked and
successfully’ into the upper grouping of contemporary Australian poets.

tRickster is his 8th collection of poems and deserves recognition throughout this country and
far beyond, as a superb contribution to Australian literature.

Murray  Jennings
26 / 07 / 2015

Friday, July 24, 2015

Announcing the UWAP Dorothy Hewett Award


UWA Publishing launches the Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript


The Dorothy Hewett Award

UWA Publishing is delighted to announce the establishment of a new literary award, the Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript.
The award responds to the damaging changes to the WA Premier's Book Awards, which were announced just after the 2015 Perth Writers Festival. The Premier's Book Awards will now be awarded biennially instead of annually, making it harder for writers to compete for an ever shrinking pool of funds.
The Dorothy Hewett Award, administered by UWA Publishing and supported by the Copyright Agency's Cultural Fund and 720 ABC Perth, goes some way to filling the gap. With a cash prize of $10,000 and a publishing contract with UWA Publishing, the award is a celebration of Western Australian literary culture and talent. 
To discuss the rationale behind the award and the state of the arts more broadly, 720 ABC Perth and UWA Publishing will be hosting a Writers Forum on 13 August at the East Perth ABC Studios, featuring Presenter Gillian O'Shaughnessy, UWAP Director Terri-ann White, and author Amanda Curtin. For more details, keep an eye on our Facebook page and website.  
Entries open on 1 August and close on 4 September. The shortlist will be released on 11 December, and the winner announced at a special event at the 2016 Perth Writers Festival. 
Click here to read the story on the ABC news website, and click the button below to read the award submission guidelines and entry requirements.

POEM - by Douglas Barbour

under the streetlights
     the acrid smell
           of insect corpses

before their single day
     is over    they gather
           hover around the glare

in the morning a carpet
     of carapaces laid out
            corrupting in the sun

Douglas Barbour

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bell Awards now open. Make yr vote count!

Hello musicians, engineers, music executives and friends of the Bell Awards. Make your voice count and join the Australian Jazz Award Academy today.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

JULY 25th
Alex Skovron             



Alex Skovron is the author of six collections of poetry and a prose novella. The numerous public readings he has given include appearances in China, Serbia, India and Ireland, as well as Norfolk Island. A bilingual English/French selection of his poetry was published in 2013 under the title The Attic, a volume of Chinese translations is underway, and his novella The Poet has been translated into Czech. His most recent book is Towards the Equator: New & Selected Poems (2014), and a collection of his short stories is forthcoming from Puncher & Wattmann

Dan Poets, every Saturday, 2-5pm.
Free Entry
Includes open mic.

Rotating MCs Anne, Libby, Norman and Steve.

Dan O'Connell Hotel, 225 Canning St Carlton.

Licensed premises. Kids welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Review of Australian Fiction

Kim Scott, Brenda Walker, and 10 other WA authors in special volume of Review of Australian Fiction

Review of Australian Fiction is putting out a special volume to support writers from Western Australia following the recent announcement to halve funding for the Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards.

WA author, Laurie Steed, has been asked to curate this special volume of Review of Australian Fiction, which will contain six issues, written exclusively by Western Australian authors.
These authors are Kim Scott, Brenda Walker, David Whish-Wilson, Amanda Curtin, Susan Midalia, Natasha Lester, Nicole Sinclair, Josephine Clarke, Maria Papas, Liz Hayden, Yvette Walker, and Sam Carmody.

‘At times such as these, it’s important to show the State Government that enough people care about WA’s literary culture to make it essential to the state’s cultural prosperity,’ said Steed. ‘With backing from the Review of Australian Fiction, we hope to bring together not only those authors featured in this special volume, but any and all writers who have fought to legitimise their craft. Add in a country of passionate readers keen to see the continuing growth of Australian literature, and you have the bigger picture: a community of readers, writers and creators who deserve to celebrate their country’s best books, each and every year.’

The WA edition of Review of Australian Fiction will be volume 15, which will be rolled out from July through to September this year.

50% net of each digital issue/subscription goes directly to the authors in the form of royalty payments. So subscribing to Review of Australian Fiction is a way to support Australian authors.
Review of Australian Fiction, which was founded in 2012, publishes two stories every two weeks from Australia’s leading authors. Each digital issue includes a story by an established Australian author, with the second story in each issue being by an emerging Australian author, chosen by the established author.


Monday, July 20, 2015

Poetry Program at Brett Whiteley Studio

sydney poetry | BWS HEADER.02.jpg

                    Please join us for poetry by Jesse John Brand. 

Jesse John Brand is an award-winning writer, and musician.
He won the Australian National Poetry Prize, 2013 and has
performed his poetry and music at the Bookworm Literary
Festival, the JUE Music and Art Festival in China, and the Sydney
Opera House. Jesse will feature at this year’s Indonesian, Ubud
Writers and Readers Festival from October.

WHO: Jesse John Brand
WHAT:  Sydney Poetry @ 2
Brett Whiteley Studio
WHEN: 2-3:30PM | Sunday 28 June 2015

Upcoming Readings at the Brett Whiteley Studio 2015Sunday 26 July 2015                  | Jesse John Brand
Sunday 23 August 2015              | Nigel Roberts
Sunday 27 September 2015        | Aural Anthology II
Sunday 25 October 2015            | Judy Beveridge, Joanne Burns and
                                                 Keri Glastonbury in a special presentation
                                                 in association with Contemporary
                                                 Art Feminism and Giramondo Publishing.
Sunday 22 November 2015         |DiVerse Poetry presents a collection
                                                of poems on Brett Whiteley in celebrating
                                                20 years of Studio operations.

Sydney Poetry at the Brett Whiteley Studio is held February - November
on the fourth Sunday of the month.


Left to right: Brett Whiteley Totem (white female), Totem I (black – the get laid totem) /
and Totem II 
(tan female) 1978-88 (detail) © Wendy Whiteley
New exhibition: sculptures and ceramics Brett Whiteley Studio celebrates 20 years (1995-2015)

2 Raper Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010


2 Raper Street |  Surry Hills | Sydney | Australia

Puns Puns and More Puns

How does Moses make his tea?  Hebrews it....
Venison for dinner again?  Oh deer!
A cartoonist was found dead in his home.  Details are sketchy.
I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.
Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes.
England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool ...
I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.
They told me I had type-A blood, but it was a Type-O.
I changed my iPod's name to Titanic.  It's syncing now.
Jokes about German sausages are the wurst.
I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid, but he says he can stop any time.
I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.
This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore.
When chemists die, apparently they barium.
I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down.
I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
I didn't like my beard at first. Then it grew on me.
Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn't control her pupils?
When you get a bladder infection you know urine trouble.
Broken pencils are pretty much pointless.
What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
I dropped out of the Communism class because of lousy Marx.
All the toilets in New York 's police stations have been stolen. As of now, it appears the police have nothing to go on.
I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.
Velcro - what a rip off!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Jean Kent - good works just keep on comin'!

The Hour of Silvered Mullet by Jean Kent, Pitt Street Poetry, 2015, was launched by Christopher Pollnitz at at Cardiff Library on 11 April 2015.

'Jean and I go back some way, to when the Newcastle Poetry Prize was the Mattara Poetry Prize, and I was coordinating it for the first time. Over the decades we’ve never had a cross word, though on her part there have been kind, perceptive, discriminating words.  They’ve been the words of a friend and a very fine poet, whose latest collection of poems—the seventh, counting selections—it’s my pleasure to launch today.  Once I might have plumed myself with having ‘discovered’ Jean, but it’s not true.  I can claim to having been the first to publish the poems of the South Australian poet novelist, Peter Goldsworthy, but I wasn’t the first to publish one of Jean’s.  And there is a larger truth to tell.  Editors and reviewers don’t ‘discover’ poets.  Good poets discover themselves.  Good poets who have long, productive careers—poets like Jean—go on discovering new and larger selves from the multitude of their influences and experiences and memories, and from the stories they hear of others.'


A good interview with Jean Kent by Brad Evans is available HERE

from The Museum and Art Gallery of Northern Territory, Australia

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory's photo.


With the 2015 Telstra Art Award (National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award) now open for entries, we've been reflecting... on some of the winners from over the years.

Ten years ago, the big winner was the Tjanpi Toyota by artists from the Tjanpi Desert Weavers. To this day it's still a gallery favourite!

Entry to the 2015 Telstra Art Awards closes on 20 March, just a few weeks to go! More at: Photo by Thisbe Purich.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Habits to beat Distraction

Falling in love all over again

In his book, “The Art of Stillness,” Pico Ayer says that “sitting still is a way of falling in love with the world and everything in it.”

This is absolutely true. This is why distractions can be so harmful. They’re turning us away from the miracle of life all around us.

Sit still for a few minutes, and pay attention to what’s around you. Notice the quality of the light. Appreciate any people who might be nearby. Notice the quality of your thoughts, the sensations of various parts of your body, the loveliness of your breath as it comes in and out.

Fall in love with life all over again. And then devote yourself lovingly to it completely.

Last section of

An Addict’s Guide to Overcoming the Distraction Habit

By Leo Babauta

You are cordially invited to the launch of The Edge of Winter
a new collection of poems by

The book will be launched by
Judith Rodriguez

at Collected Works Bookshop

Nicholas Building

Level 1, 37 Swanston St, Melbourne

on Tuesday, 4th August 2015, at 6.00 for 6.30 pm

Refreshments will be served

RSVP by 28th July to: (03) 9654-8873

If you are unable to attend the launch but would like to

purchase the book, please contact Collected Works on

the above number to reserve your copy, or order direct

from the publisher:

Ginninderra Press

PO Box 3461

Port Adelaide SA 5015

Old Angel Midnight (Friday Afternoon in the Universe) - Kerouac

How young was I when I first read this! Great to hear it again :-)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

TOUCHING - by Bill Wootton

Driving behind cars, you see them clearly,
ranged across glossy duco on boot lids.
Finger marks. As if some brute tune
were to be wrung from mere metal.
Where once a centrally positioned
handle sucked all hands to its chrome vortex,
now boot slamming begins flathandedly
from anywhere along that closing rim.

Once you'd be roared at for touching
any such fine surface, metal or glass.
Now fingers glide for hours over iPads,
phones. We rake hard surfaces, seeking no
handle. We get up close and contiguous.
Reflections diminish as on we blur.

- Bill Wootton
- Australian poet

 Bill Wootton is a regular contributor to poetryetc, a weekly online journal and has produced 'Crossroads', a short collection of poems, in 2014. He has lived on a bush block in Cottles Bridge north of Melbourne for ten years. Soon he will be be moving to Hepburn Springs in Central Victoria.

Friday, July 10, 2015

In Memoriam: James Tate, 1943–2015

James-tate-and-gordon-cairnie-by-elsa-dorfman (1)
James Tate at the Grolier Poetry Book Shop in 1965. Photo: Elsa Dorfman
James Tate, who wrote that the main challenge of poetry “is always to find the ultimate in the ordinary horseshit,” died yesterday in Massachusetts at age seventy-one. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and the William Carlos Williams Award, Tate’s poems were “always concerned to tell us that beneath the busyness and loneliness of our daily lives, there remains in us the possibility for peace, happiness and real human connection,” wrote Adam Kirsch in the New York Times.

Tate was born in Missouri but lived in Amherst, Massachusetts, since 1971. “I’ve imagined that every character and every single event takes place in this town, Amherst,” he once confessed. But John Ashbery once opined that Tate is a “poet of possibilities, of morph, of surprising consequences, lovely or disastrous, and these phenomena exist everywhere.”

Read on at The Paris Review

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Australian Indigenous languages and arts program projects stream

Australian Government logo
Special Bulletin from the Ministry for the Arts - July 2015
hero image for the enewsletter
The MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS develops and administers programs and policies that encourage excellence in art, support for cultural heritage and public access to arts and culture in Australia.

Image of front cover of Indigenous Languages and Arts (projects) Program guidelines

Applications closing soon for Indigenous languages and arts program projects stream

Applications are closing soon for the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages and Arts Program (Projects) stream.
Funding of $100,000 (GST exclusive) is available per project per year to organisations that  develop, produce, present, exhibit or perform Indigenous arts projects that showcase Australia’s traditional and contemporary Indigenous artistic and cultural expressions.
Projects funded could include, but are not limited to, multi-media projects that engage young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, traditional Indigenous arts and craft production,  traditional storytelling, writing, poetry and/or contemporary narrative pieces or arts projects that promote the use of Indigenous languages including dance, literature, music and theatre.
Applicants are encouraged to read the guidelines on the Ministry for the Arts website.
Applications close at 5.00pm AEST on Friday 17 July 2015.  Enquiries can be emailed to
Image: Moorambilla Voices Youth Choir. The regional choir performing at the Canberra International Music Festival 2015. Source: Michelle Leonard

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Perth Poetry Club guest: RON PRETTY

Want to know what the afternoon holds? ask Ron Pretty at Perth Poetry Club on Saturday, 11th July, 2015 at 2pm, 323 William St Northbridge.

Read our blog to get some background on our magnificent guests.

Poets coming up at Perth Poetry Club:
18th July                Annamaria Weldon        
25th July                TBA       


Issa Haiku

world of suffering--
when the gods travel, too
a storm

ku no saba ya kami no o-tatsu mo ame arashi

According to Shinto belief, in Tenth Month all of Japan's gods vacate their shrines to congregate at the Izumo-Taisha Shrine.

Sunday, July 05, 2015

WIN a Byron Bay festival pack!

Competition - Byron Writers Festival Pack

Win the ultimate literary giveaway by sharing your thoughts on ageing. 
Get involved in the conversation around ageing, and go in the draw to win the ultimate literary weekend at Byron Bay Writers Festival (7-9 August).

Be part of the conversation on ageing and help challenge the perceptions and stereotypes of what ‘old age’ looks like.

To enter the competition, visit, and share your thoughts hopes, dreams and/or concerns about ageing in 25 words or less.

The winner will enjoy three days with some of the world’s best literary minds at one of Australia’s most popular destinations. The prize includes two nights accommodation in a one bedroom suite (for two people), two x three day passes to the Byron Writers Festival and a festival book pack. This prized is valued at $1130 and is the perfect getaway.

Competition closes on 19 July and the winner will be announced on 20 July 2015

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Bob Dylan's Spiritual Journey on ABC Radio National

Editors' Pick 6Earshot: Bob Dylan's spiritual journey
Bob Dylan was raised Jewish, became an atheist, then a Christian and more recently has been seen back at the synagogue. Dylan’s biographers, friends and religious thinkers discuss how this prophet of our modern times was influenced by religion.
Listen on Thursday 9 July 11am

Friday, July 03, 2015

Pre-order WESTERLY - in a brand new design

Westerly Issue 60.1

by Kate
Issue 60.1 is coming soon, and now available for pre-order!
We are very excited about this wonderful issue, which has been put together by Dr. Lucy Dougan and Paul Clifford, and features unpublished work from Dorothy Hewett, photography from Randolph Stow in a lovely essay from Kate Rendell, and a wonderful array of poetry and short fiction from some familiar and not so familiar names. It also features Westerly's brand new design, fresh from Becky Chilcott at Chil3 and Keith Feltham at Lasertype - we think its looking wonderful!
We are also happy to announce a joint promotion with UWA Publishing, offering reader of the issue a discount on Dorothy Hewett's published autobiography, Wild Card. See the issue for further details!
The issue will be launched on July 17th at the UWA Boat Shed, at 6pm (for a 6.30pm start). The Boat Shed is access via the Hackett St. car park, just off the Stirling Hwy.
We hope to see you all there!
Kate | July 3, 2015 at 6:59 pm | Categories: Westerly News | URL: