
Saturday, December 31, 2016


clamoring geese--
over there is the year
ending too?
sawagu kari sokora mo toshi ga kururu ka yo

Sunday, December 18, 2016


There’s a dead dragonfly hanging
on to our car’s front number plate. One
fine wing blowing in the wind
stops me today as I grieve for Millie,
my faithful companion who died
quietly in my hands, her body
losing all the tension
of her final fevers. Death
is the last roll of life’s dice,
the final token we pay – yet
our greatest relief.

                                    I file this poem
I know it is for me, perhaps
for you, to lessen the sorrow, yet
to remember Millie. My bare feet
are cold as I type, cold where she
would lie across and keep them warm.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Home Scene

'I came back. I always come back.'

Friday, December 02, 2016

Tom Collins Poetry Prize 2016 - ENTER NOW

Ends on January 15, 2017        

$20.00 AUD
The Tom Collins Poetry Prize is an annual competition inaugurated by FAWWA in 1975 in memory of Australian author Joseph Furphy (1843 - 1912) who wrote under the name Tom Collins. It is one of Australia’s most prestigious poetry prizes, with first place being awarded a $1,000 prize.

This year the entry fee is $20 for up to three poems. So why not enter two or three poems instead of one – the total fee you’ll pay is $20!

The prizegiving will be at Voicebox in Fremantle in February 2017.

Entries close 15 January 2017, so get writing and enter now!

Terms and conditions:
Opening date: 22 November 2016
Closing date:  15 January 2017 (midnight AWST)
Line limit for each poem: 60 lines
Prizes: First $1,000; Second $200; Third $100. 4 x Highly Commended will receive certificates.

Entry Fee: $20 (maximum of three poems per poet)
  1. Entrants must currently reside in Australia.
  2. All work must be works of fiction and previously unpublished, including e-publishing. Work broadcast on radio, television or film, or performed as plays, are classified as published. Any story that has been awarded or commended in any previous competition is not eligible to enter.
  3. Any poem that is under consideration in another competition is ineligible.
  4. The Fellowship of Australian Writers Western Australia (FAWWA) reserves the right to publish the winning, second place and highly commended entries in its publications (including web site).
  5. Non-award winning poems will be responsibly destroyed after the competition. Ensure you keep a copy.
  6. The real name of the poet must not appear on the poem submission. All entries will be judged blind through the Submittable portal (identifying information will not be made available to the judge).
  7. Entries must be submitted via Submittable. Poems can be uploaded in .docx, .doc, .pdf and .rtf format (sensible font, font size and spacing to be used).  Each poem should be uploaded as a separate file. Entries submitted via regular mail or email are ineligible and will be responsibly destroyed.
  8. Maximum of three poems per author.
  9. Entry fee of $20 will be collected via online payment on Submittable. No other form of payment is acceptable. No refunds will be given. Payments submitted outside of Submittable or in relation to ineligible entries will not be returned.
  10. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 
  11. Shortlisted writers will be notified via email and the winner announced at the prizegiving at Voicebox in February 2017. Results will be published on the FAWWA website
  12. FAWWA Committee members are not eligible to enter.
For any general queries contact FAWWA at