
Monday, March 27, 2017

'OOROO' by Richard Tipping INVITATION

Invites you to the opening

Brian Dunlop • Sophie Dunlop • Francis Giacco
Jenny Giacco • Justin O’Brien • Jeffrey Smart
Tuesday 4 April 2017 6pm to 8pm 

To be opened at 6.45pm by Brian’s daughter Claudia Kelly
Current until Sunday 23 April 2017
Above: Orpheus & Eurydice  2009, oil on canvas, 156 x 200 cm
Invites you to the opening

Instant History
Tuesday 4 April 2017 6pm to 8pm 

The artist will read from his new book of poems Instant History - Flying Island Books, 2017
Add to calendar
15 Roylston Street, Paddington, NSW 2021

Artist talks and poetry: 2:30pm Saturday 15 April 2017 and 2:30pm Saturday 22 April 2017
Current until Sunday 23 April 2017
Above: Jump start – our ‘roo shoots through  2016, retro-reflective vinyl on aluminium
(installed dimensions variable, 2 varieties of vinyl), 170 x 284 x 4 cm, ed 8
Visit our blog
Open 7 days 10am to 6pm
T 02 9360 5177

Sunday, March 26, 2017


Former Greens Senator Bob Brown

‘Lending Mr Adani, a billionaire, a billion dollars of taxpayers’ money to carry this project into reality would be the political mistake of the decade.’ Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP

The Adani mine is this generation's Franklin River. People power can stop it

This is the environmental issue of our times and the Great Barrier Reef is at stake. But people standing up for what they believe in has unbeatable power
When I rafted the Franklin in the 1970s, I knew the campaign to save that spectacular river, despite local support for damming it, would become one to test that generation. In 2017, stopping the Adani coal mine is a campaign to test this generation of Australians.
In 40 years time people will be talking about the campaign to stop Adani like they now talk about the Franklin. “Where were you and what did you do?” they will ask.


Saturday, March 25, 2017

VERDURE - Canberra Choral Society

Canberra Choral Society’s first performance with new artistic director Dianna Nixon

March 26, 5.30 pm Village Centre, National Arboretum
Canberra Choral Society will launch its 2017 series in the stunning surrounds of the National Arboretum, with a program created by new artistic director Dianna Nixon celebrating the human relationship with trees and nature. 
From the innocence of the famous poem Trees, by Joyce Kilmer, in a gorgeous setting by ex-Canberran, Daniel Brinsmead, to the wildly dramatic Frank Hutchens' setting of Charles Kingsley's Ode to the North East Wind, the programme gives the choir a range of stimulating artistic and technical challenges. A third Australian composer is featured in the concert with an exquisite setting, by Stephen Leek, of The Silent Gums, which will be sung (and danced) by a small group of students of Wild Voices Music Theatre.
The choir will be exploring combinations and textures ranging from unison singing and solos, to the lushly glorious final chorus from Leonard Bernstein's take on Voltaire's novella, Candide.
Other poets whose work features in this programme include Shakespeare, Robert Frost, Mary Coleridge, and, for the Leek setting, text created by Anne Williams and the Eltham East Primary School Choir.
It should be an afternoon of total pleasure for performers and audience alike, with the picturesque backdrop of Arboretum plantings and Lake Burley Griffin views framing our efforts.

And check out this article in Canberra Times:

Friday, March 24, 2017

from Rochford Street Review: Vale JOANNE KYGER

Vale Joanne Kyger

by Mark Roberts

Joanne Kyger .Photo by Andrew Kenower.
Rochford Street Review was saddened to learn of the death of Joanne Kyger on 22 March. Associated with the poets of the San Francisco Renaissance, poet Joanne Kyger studied philosophy and literature at the University of California, Santa Barbara, moving to San Francisco in 1957 just before she finished her degree. In San Francisco she attended the Sunday meetings of Jack Spicer and Robert Duncan, and moved into the East West House, a communal house for students of Zen Buddhism and Asian studies. She lived in Japan with Gary Snyder, her husband at the time, and traveled in India with Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, and Peter Orlovsky. She eventually returned to California, where she lived until her death in 2017. (Text courtesy of the Poetry Foundation)

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Issa Haiku

at my feet
when did you get here?

ISSA - 1801
ashi moto e itsu kitarishi yo katatsuburi
Shinji Ogawa comments: "This haiku shows a very common scene of surprise when one finds a slow snail very close to oneself. Adding to that, when we learn that Issa was attending his dying father, our appreciation of this haiku may advance farther. We must learn how many things are left out from the haiku and yet, or therefore, so many things are expressed."


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sir Derek Walcott is dead.

Sir Derek Walcott is dead.

Relatives and sources  close to the Saint Lucian poet and playwright who had been suffering with health issues have confirmed that he passed away in the early hours of Friday morning.

Walcott received the 1992 Nobel Prize in Literature. He was Professor of Poetry at the University of Essex from 2010 to 2013.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 20 World Storytelling Day

Join us at the Centre for Stories for World Storytelling Day, a global celebration of the art of storytelling. 
Pop in between 11am and 12:30pm to listen to and watch some of the amazing West Australian stories we've collected over the past few months.
Our brand new video stories collected in collaboration with the Office of Multicultural Interests for Harmony Week 2017 will be available to watch. These nine stories surround the themes Food, Faith and Love in WA. Listen to Fauzia, a woman from Afghanistan who sends her kids over to her neighbours with plates of food every week because her mother taught her that those who smell the food as it is being prepared must taste it too. Jamaican man Osric travelled 15000km running away from heartbreak and found love in Australia. Takako is Japanese and her husband of 40 years, Velaphi, is Zimbabwean. They tell us, "you don't talk about racism, you do something about it by confronting it with your very existence."

You will also be able to listen to stories from A Mile in My Shoes, our collaboration with the Empathy Museum for PIAF 2016. Listen to Dalwinder Singh, devoted Sikh and taxi driver who dedicates his spare time to engaging in conversations with strangers and increasing awareness about Sikhism. He believes that through conversation, we are able to break down barriers. Dianne Lawrence tells us about the challenges of being the mother of a transgender child, and how she's been on a journey of her own alongside her son. Jeremy Smith has achondroplasia, the cause of what is commonly known as dwarfism. He encourages people to ask questions about physical differences, so that we can increase the understanding and celebration of diversity in the world. Kaliyugan Pathmanathan fled the Sri Lankan civil war when he was a child. Years later, he came to Australia by boat as a refugee where he has made his home in Perth. He says he struggles to be happy knowing that there are still so many people who don't have freedom.

These stories and many more will available to listen to and watch at the Centre for Stories. Morning tea will be provided and our staff will be available if you would like to chat about what makes a good story or any story ideas you may have. 
We'd love to see you there!

Tuesday, March 07, 2017


don't cry, insects!
the world will get better
in its own time
ISSA 1825
naku na mushi naoru toki ni wa yo ga naoru
Good advice for trying times.