
Friday, September 30, 2022

A Poetry Reading by Jerome Rothenberg

A wonderful occasion to hear one of the world's great living poets!

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Sunday, September 25, 2022


 My current thinking is prompted by Hart Crane who said: 

"The writing of a poem is not - as the writing of a chemical equation is - intended to describe anything; instead, the poem is the chemical reaction itself."

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Chu Berry - Blowin' Up A Breeze

So far ahead of his time ... and Hot Lips on trumpet: great musicians.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Natalie Goldberg's definition of Poetry


Over many decades, when I’ve been teaching writing, I have used a great list of famous poets who have described poetry, never quite nailing its essence. Today, while throwing out books to the op shop, I came across Natalie Goldberg’s WILD MIND. Page 203 held a great surprise – another definition:

  Poetry is a dumb Buddha who thinks a donkey is as important as a diamond. 

Wow, this reader’s mind is in a turmoil of images which collide and clutter in the neural junkshop. It doesn’t tell me ; it delights me.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

ART IMPULSE by Andrew Burke


One of my favourite artists

was born before language

and I understand what s/he

was communicating:

five clay streaks on

a cave wall. Now the Tv

would feast on the arts channel

exploring which school of art

s/he creates in, what

string of influences s/he had,

the materials s/he chose

and the palette of the diaspora.

I ask, ‘Why did you stop at five?’

S/he puts up her hand in answer.


Published in The Australian 2022,

Lisa Gorton wrote in her poem Grafitti:

An arm’s length of wall permits any depth

of meditative calm or your money back.

I read it on the Internet,

I saw the streaks on my screen.




Why I wrote this poem

is the same impulse s/he had.

Friday, September 09, 2022