
Monday, October 04, 2004

2nd Australian Haiku Anthology

Here are the submission details for the Second Australian Haiku Anthology.

Second Australian Haiku Anthology (SAHA)

Guidelines, Conditions & Submissions


HaikuOz is pleased to invite submissions for the second of its national anthologies.

The first anthology (FAHA) was intended to provide an overview of haiku in Australia at the turn of the last century and broad representation of poets was a major consideration in its compilation. This second anthology will pay greater attention to the quality of haiku.

HaikuOz does not compete with national poetry publications and most of the haiku in HaikuOz anthologies will have been previously published in outlets such as paper wasp, Yellow Moon, Famous Reporter, Stylus and overseas publications. SAHA aims to publish the "best of the best" so choose your submissions with care. The quoted publications and FAHA provide guidelines on the type of haiku which might be accepted for SAHA.

A difficult decision has been that to restrict entries to those composed by Australians. We have done so to nurture growth of haiku within Australia and to encourage the development of a distinctive Australian haiku identity. We hope to receive submissions that reflect the Australian environment and character.

Editors for SAHA are:

Janice M. Bostok & Vanessa Proctor & Katherine Samuelowicz

Conditions & Submissions

Eligibility: haiku written by Australian citizens.

Style: there is no requirement for kigo (seasonal words); haiku are not restricted to 3-line format; no distinction will be drawn between haiku and senryu

Closing Date: Will be set later but it would ease the editors' task to receive submissions as early as possible.

Financial: there is no fee to submit and, unfortunately, no payment for haiku published.

Submit up to 10 of your best haiku (not ones published in FAHA) to:
Email: with "SAHA Submission" as the subject field.
Mail to: Janice M. Bostok, 260 Campbell's Road, Dungay, NSW 2484, Australia

* For previously published haiku, give publication details.

* Provide a biography, of about 10 lines, which you agree to have published in the SAHA.

Note -- By submitting haiku you agree to those selected being published, without payment, in the anthology. Copyright remains with the author.

We hope every eligible member of HaikuOz will submit and we encourage you to extend the invitation to your friends and to any writing bodies you belong to.

Katherine Samuelowicz
Secretary, HaikuOz, The Australian Haiku Society

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