
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The Biscuit School

My three year old grandson
points to the skull on
the BlazeVOX poster
and asks, 'Wot's dat?'
I say, 'That's your head
without the skin on it.'
He looks at me doubtfully
and says, decidedly, 'No!'
'Yes,' I start to explain,
'behind my face and your face
and your Mum's face there is
a hard-boned skull. It holds
our brains and things in.'
He laughs and looks at me
with merriment in his eyes, 'No!'
And the grey matter behind his skull
is in denial - it thinks he's immortal.
He's as mortal as the whale beached
and dying on the tourist beach, as
the mosquito swatted in the night,
as the young man trying out
a cocktail of chemical hits.
Everyday examples for an ordinary life.
'Can I have a big one?' So we adventure
in the biscuit school of philosophy -
covered in delicious fine chocolate
with a delicious soft mint centre.

Andrew aka Grandpa
20/10/04 Mt Lawley

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