
Thursday, October 14, 2004

A powerful little poem

Every Wednesday on a list called 'poetryetc' certain brave souls around the world put forward a little poem about how their day is, how the world is for them that day. Sometimes it is merely a weather forecast, other days it is a literary leap, and this week Doug Barbour, Canadian poet and teacher extraordinaire, posted such a powerful little poem that I asked him if I could share it on my blog. Here it is - as beautiful as a diamond, and just as tough.

just one
just one child
just one child dead
just one child dead just
just one child dead just one
just one child dead just one just

ice in the eye of
such beholders hold
ing such power all
righteous mess all
gone down as

just one child dead
lies there demonstrating
lies there

Douglas Barbour
Wednesday October 13 2004

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