
Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Well, spring has given us here a few beautiful days - and now some rain, wind and overcast days. We are all thankful for the rain - we are still down on our annual average waterfall and still on permanent water restrictions. But as I went out walking yesterday afternoon - after too many hours in front of the computer - I found this amazing bottle brush bush up the road. For those of you in other lands, it is immediately apparent why it is called bottle brush ... My point is that the native plants do so much better in dry times than the imports. Australia is covered with many imports and the whole idea of an English garden has also been imported, as a short walk down any Australian side-street will show you.

To give truth to the old adage about 'a picture paints a thousand words', here's my photo of the bottle brush in a neighbor's yard - just before the rain caught me walking the streets.

Well, I'm still on 'L' plates, so I'm post the photo separately. Be patient.

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