
Monday, November 22, 2004

Interblog! Anny, Stephen and Sappho

When I first starting blogging, Jill Jones of told me that there was a good feeling among the community of bloggers. I really didn't believe it, thinking all bloggers were self-absorbed loners, willing to whistle their own tune into the dark. But I've since learnt a new kind of interblog sharing, which is really satisfying. Here's another little incidence of it - poet Stephen Vincent is on a poetry list with Anny Ballardini and other poets around the world, including myself. He recently mentioned a work of his was up on the web, and Anny asked him what he meant by 'translation' in this case. His answer is now on Anny's blog (available on my blogroll as NarcissusWorks) so I urge you to go there and read it. Around about and around about and around about we go ...

Then, when you've read that, or even before - whatever your fancy - go to the site below.
Faux, an e-book publisher, has now published Stephen Vincent's Sleeping with Sappho on its site:

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