
Friday, February 11, 2005

Just a little something I read ...

I took a book out of the library the other day (thank you, LISWA, our library service - which is free and which has been an enormous help to me over the years) ... It is titled TIM WINTON : a Celebration, and was published by the Friends of the National Library of Australia. It has essays about Tim (a local boy) and charming photos of him and his family and friends (and dog). Hilary McPhee, one time publisher of Tim's early works and his best selling novel Cloudstreet (McPhee Gribble, 1991), includes this assessment from George Stade when he reviewed The Riders (Pan Macmillan 1994) in the New York Times Book Review:

As things now stand, good books are seldom best sellers, and best sellers are seldom very good - if by good we mean intelligent, artfully rendered, fresh in approach, faithful to some aspect of what goes for reality. Tim Winton's novel The Riders is all of that ...

This is a good list for me to tick off when writing my novel - well, when editing it perhaps: intelligent, artfully rendered, fresh, and faithful to some spect of reality. It's worth aiming for ...

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