
Saturday, February 25, 2006

Jacket magazine publishes Court Transcripts of Ern Malley case

Court Transcript of the Trial of Max Harris
in the Adelaide Police Court, 1944

“I have found that people who go into parks at night go there for immoral purposes. My exper as police officer might under certn circs., tinge my apprecn of literature.”

Edited by John Tranter in October and November 2005

Five pages of that photocopy can be viewed here.

The original document is court typist’s transcript of the trial of Max Harris, an editor of Angry Penguins magazine, for the offence of publishing indecent advertisements. He was 23 years old at the time. The trial was held in the Adelaide Police Court in September 1944. Mr Harris was convicted of the offence and fined.

Further documentary material and commentary on the 1944 Ern Malley hoax which led to this trial can be found in this issue (17) of Jacket magazine on the Internet at, a special issue devoted to hoax poetry.

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