
Monday, March 20, 2006

Downstream Anthology -Submission details

DownStream is a collection of poetry, stories and photography from people who use and love the Swan River. It is an opportunity to express your concerns for the Swan, share your memories, tell what the river means to you and your hopes for its future. DownStream will be launched at a River Festival in September 2006.

Submission Guidelines:

2500 words or less for prose
80 lines max per poem
maximum of 5 entries per person in any combination of poetry, prose or photography.
Entries are to be typed, preferably double spaced, and sent via email only, in main body of email text, not as an attachment.
Photographs to be sent as low res jpeg, 300k max.

Submissions close on 1st July 2006

Please include your name and contact number with all submissions.
Only material relevant to the topic and location with be considered for publication.

Please forward submissions and enquiries to [1]

This information comes from

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