
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Live and Become - great film!

The Perth International Film Festival is just about to wind-up for 2006, so you must hurry if you are to see a very moving and life-affirming move called 'Live and Become' (English translation). I knew little about this movie before going to see it with my daughter - but it captured us and gave us lots to think about and talk about afterwards. We live such easy lives here in Australia - well, us healthy middle-class people do - that it is often easy to forget how troubled other lives in the world are. This film about an Ethiopian refugee boy, his mother, and his adoptive family in Israel, works on so many levels that the 2.5 hours of its footage goes without a blink. There's more at but the stills do not provide the mood and impact of the film at all. I urge you, if you're within the vicinity, to go and see this movie this week at the Somerville Auditorium at UWA, or next week at the Joondalup Pines.

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