
Saturday, April 01, 2006

One Less - call for submissions

One Less Magazine
[art on the range]

Call For Submissions: # 3 Film (Extended Deadline)

If you are a reader of One Less, we would be pleased to read your work for One Less: Art on the Range: #3 Film.

We're inviting you to make a film (on paper). This means all processes
and techniques of filmmaking and film viewing are welcome. The screen
is blank, now project.

Here is our ideal scenario. You send us your: black & white
film/video/dvd stills (found or original), excerpts from film scripts, project
ideas, an interview with a filmmaker, storyboards, set designs, scenes
that you block out (diagrams, maps, list) reviews, dialogue, criticism
essays manifestos, documentaries, experimental shorts, avant-garde
explorations, poems, short stories, etc. Work from existing films and
genres or invent your own. Write, shoot, process, splice, and project.

Please send either (by postal mail or electronic files):

3-5 Pages of Poetry;
5-10 Pages of Prose;
1-5 Pages of Artwork (Imageable size: 5" x 7")

(Please be aware that we can only print images in black and white.
Please send JPEG or TIFF files at 300 dpi for photographic/filmic works and 600 dpi for line drawings.)

Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope (with adequate postage) if you would like to have your work to be returned.

Do not send us originals.

We will read work in May and reply in early June at the latest.

New Tech Terrain for One Less Issue # 3

Our upcoming project is expanding into digital media. We're going to host a virtual film screening of contributors' work. Beginning with Issue #3: Film, we will produce a vodcast (video podcast) in conjunction with the print magazine. The show will be 30 minutes and will be available for free downloads. If you are interested or if you know someone who may want to take part in this new venture, please pass the word along.

What we're looking for: film/video shorts that are 10 minutes or less saved to disk. The film/video may include: the processes of filmmaking, the medium of film itself, translations of film to video, or simply put, film about film. Same deadline here as Issue #3, April 30th.

Send your submission and cover letter to:

One Less Magazine
c/o Nikki Widner
6 Village Hill Road
Williamsburg, MA 01096

Or by email:

Deadline (Issue Three: Film): April 30th, 2006

brought to you by:

the editors @
One Less Magazine

Nikki Widner & David Gardner, Editors
One Less
6 Village Hill Road
Williamsburg, MA 01096
Check out our New Blog:

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