
Friday, April 14, 2006

Rottnest Writers' Getaway

Jenny de Garis - poet and workshop convenor - sent me an email with lotsa information re: a Rottnest writers' getaway. I went to the last one some five years ago, and enjoyed myself immensely. Wrote a couple of usable poems too! Brian de Garis works hard in the kitchen and dishes up a storm. Great atmosphere, great place, hopefully - great works!

Here's Jenny:

WRITING AT ROTTNEST is on again, after a 5-year break.

The Sergeants' Mess is booked
from early afternoon Thursday, 28 September till Sunday morning, 1st October
(we may be able to arrange to stay till the afternoon).

This is the weekend the school holidays begin. It's also the Queen's Birthday long weekend. Unfortunately there was no group accommodation left for the full weekend, so I've booked a day before, which at least means we'll have half the weekend still free for other activities/commitments. It's usually just warm enough for the odd dip then - the Mess being very close to the beach.
I don't yet have a detailed costing, but it looks like working out around $268 per person. This will include shared accommodation, catering by Brian, workshop sessions - led or prompted mainly by me and writers' own current interests, some photocopied material, but won't include ferry fare or bike hire if you want it. The fare is approx $60 return depending on where from and who with, and you can take your own bike with you for $9.
More details further down the line . . .

Jenny de Garis
Website (not up to date again)
Phone 9310 3896 Mobile 0400 200 491 Balingup 9764 1498 (let it ring)

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