
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Poneme Questions & Answer Poems

Over at the poetry email-list, Poneme, we have been playing with Question and Answer poems. Here's one from Kristin Hannaford, Heather Matthew and Tim Thorne: (Ahh, see below: this one is Kristin and Heather's whereas the next version was Tim 'cutting in' like at the old school dance ...)

who came between?

in the end your offer was nothing, really

it was the idea of you I liked

are we repeating?

a sense that this gesture is always the same

look at our hands

if we wait here long enough it will happen again

how could they find it?

I didn’t understand it then either

do we doubt that which we see?

skin deep, a mirage

glass always a distortion

your voice accusing stop assuming

will there be a crisis?

only if we run out wine

if there is will I be safe?

you are laughing now

above the quiet drift of our lives

crystals are forming in the honey

when will the hours fade?

a turning in the outsideness of weather

vegetables thickening root

is this truly the time of yellow?

the wattle is flowering

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Andrew I just looked at your blog....

the one you have put up is Heather Matthew's question's Kristin Hannaford's answers But I am flattered you like it!

This one - see below - is Tim Thorne's answers and Heather Matthew's questions. Two different poems...... same questions Ahhhh. I hear the penny dropping on the tiles...... Cheers Kristin

who came between?
deep green shades of the other people.
are we repeating?
only the unimportant things.
how could they find it?
in a dry place - sand, hand or heart.
do we doubt that which we see?
no, but we used to.
will there be a crisis?
a crisis of plums at their height.
if there is will I be safe?
with fruit you will always be safe.
when will the hours fade?
in the imperceptible gap before the skin bends.
is this truly the time of yellow?
yes, but keep it a secret.

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