
Saturday, June 17, 2006

All aboard 'The Drunken Boat'!

The Spring/Summer issue of The Drunken Boat is now
online at including:

An interview with Australian poet, Jill Jones,
including her sonnet series "Traverse" and a
collaborative project with the photographer Annette
Willis "Breath, the hours."

A feature of modern Chinese poetry, edited by Inara
Cedrins with an introduction by Michael Day, a
chapbook of newly translated poems by Xi Chuan and an
essay on Xi Chuan's poetry by Maghiel van Crevel, and
a chapbook of poems in the manner of Men Jaio by
Christopher Kelen, as well as work from :

Zhai Yongming
Chen Dongdong
Yu Jian
Sun Wenbo
Ouyang Jianghe
Wang Xiaoni
Yin Lichuan
Yang Qian
Li Sen
Li Nan
Han Dong
Wang Jiaxin

In Tibet


Minorities in China

Yidam Tsering
Luruo Diji
Jimu Langge

Chinese poets abroad

Bei Dao
Ha Jin
Xue Di
Stephen Shu-Ning Liu
Arthur Sze
Timothy Liu

in Taiwan

Chen Kehua
Chen Li
Hsia YĆ¼
Hung Hung

in Macao

Christopher Kelen
Papa Osmubal
Yao Feng
Jenny Oliveros Lao
Agnes Lam Iok Fong
Agnes Vong Lai Ieng

in Hong Kong

P.K. Leung
Louise Shew Wan Ho
Alan Jefferies
Timothy Kaiser

in Singapore

Felix Cheong Seng Fei
Gilbert Koh
Yong Shu Hoong
Alvin Pang
Robert Yeo
Eddie Tay
Toh Hsien Min
Cyril Wong
Arthur Yap

Translated by Michael Day, Maghiel van Crevel, d
dayton, Huichun (Amy) Liang, Steven Schroeder, Yangdon
Dhondup, Simon Patton, Alison Mara Friedman, Wang Hao,
Andrea Lingenfelter, Tsui-hua Huang, Mike O'Conner,
Inara Cedrins, and Christine Tsui-hua Huang.

Poems from Greece by Adrianne Kalfopoulou, a chapbook
"Anachronistic Night's Dream" by Gail Wronsky with her
"One Woman's Jonesing for Wonder," Poems by Dzvinia
with an introduction, Poems from _The Artist as Alice:
From a Photographer's Life_ with an introduction "On
Writing The Artist as Alice: From a Photographer's


Rebecca Seiferle

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