
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Walking On Water - July Session

Poetry Performance Prose

This month we have a bush poet, a specialist in desire and a guitar

Our new first-floor city venue was a great success last month. The next WOW
is on this coming Monday.

Guest performers:

Kel Watkins
Kel reports in from the wheatbelt town of Elsewhere, where the weather is
always fine. His blend of tall stories, stretched truths, outlandish
imagery (dogs rounding up crops of wheat???) have been enjoyed by folk for
over 25 years. His yarns are tailor-made for mature audiences who just love
a good laugh.

Christina Houen
Christina¹s fascination with desire has been the inspiration for her Masters
degree in Creative Arts, her PhD studies and all her other writing. In 2003,
she won the Hal Porter prize for autobiography. Christina will be sharing
some of her prose work with us.

Roy Abbott
Roy is a skilled solo guitarist and played with the Mucky Duck Bush Band for
25 years. He is currently pursuing a solo career and will be singing songs
from his upcoming CD, "Pushing the Pedals."

Open Stage
You know the drill - stick your name on the list and take the stage for a
maximum of five minutes. Poetry, prose and music all welcome.

104B The laneway, Off Murray Street in Perth City.
We're an 8-minute walk from the city rail station, or you can get parking
down on Wellington Street.

Other stuff
Please bring your own drinks. Nibbles are also welcome for sharing. We
supply tea and coffee. Entrance is $5 wages, $3 unwaged.

Any more details, email jane cornes

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