
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Wanted: Women Visual Poets

I post this on from Sheila Murphy:

Good morning, all! K.S. (Kathy) Ernst and I have conferred about upcoming projects regarding the presentation of female visual poets. We are looking to build a database of contact information for women on several continents, so that we may look at what is possible relative to exhibitions (likely, a traveling exhibition initially) and books that would go with same.

Specific calls for work will follow, but for now we want to accumulate a "who's who" compendium.

I would appreciate your circulating widely a call for the following information and sending the information to me backchannel at:

sheila dot murphy at gmail dot com

We mainly want:

Mailing Address
Email Address

Any further information about media in which the visual poet works, great, too.

If everyone can respond with known individuals, including yourselves, it will be appreciated.

The goal is to obtain as comprehensive a list of (1) living women visual poets who have done visual poetry in the latter half of hte 20th Century and (2) women who are actively working in visual poetry now. Definition of visual poetry is deliberately open.

Thanks! Sheila Murphy

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