
Sunday, September 17, 2006

'Open Mouth' in Linfen

I am happy to report on a very successful literary reading, with song, in Linfen last night.

Four poets, a short story teller, two singers, an 'instant' artist, and two Chinese jokes, filled out the program which was held in the Science Building of Shanxi Normal University. Around two dozen people were present.

Performers included Jamie, 'Mrs Pablo', Rebecca, Jeff Jain, Javvad, Nick, Wong Lee, Mr Wang and myself. The compere for the evening was Shabbs, who conducted herself with aplomb. The presentations were in English and Chinese, with one item in local dialect.

Those to be thanked inlude Pat and John Jain for acquiring the venue, and supplying various edibles and coffee.

Independent of a reading back home (for me!) in Perth with the same name, the name 'Open Mouth' was chosen for the event. It is thought that it may continue as a monthly event.

If you would like more information, contact me at burkeandre at gmail dot com

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