
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Night-time in Linfen - 'Open Mouth' 4

Another great night of music and poems at 'Open Mouth' ... This month, Number 4. The cruel camera catches the drear surroundings - the blackboard, and the ubiquitous mop and bucket in the corner. What you can't see is the lyrical music, the disciplined musicianship of these young students playing traditional instruments - pipa, erhu, various flutes - under the baton (the flying fingers and hands) of their conductor and music master. My limited camera skills meant we missed the musicians who also danced - not so traditional when it comes to choreography! & the costumes? Tight jeans and colourful jumpers. It seems part of Chinese musical training includes dance, which may be a good thing for Western musical students to try :-) After the musicians we heard Tom McConkie and Daisy, who between them read Chinese and English translations of Li Bai and Robert Frost. They also compered the evening, which featured a song by myself, 'The Ballad of Many Crows', recorded by Australian folksinger Margaret Walters and available in the CD section of ...

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