
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Tour of Kunming's Minority Villages

I went out shooting with a new camera yesterday, so I don't wish to bore you with 'my trip' - but we did see contrived villages representing the culture and lifestyles of Dai, Yi, Miao, Naxi and Tibetan peoples. There was an elephant show where clever elephants did their bag of tricks - including standing on volunteers from the audience, and playfully whacking them with their trunk as they finished. One man won't forget it in a hurry: he needed a cricket batsman's protection to safeguard himself! Jen is standing next to her birth sign, the snake. There was a park-sized circle of similar statues, surrounding a tall totem pole. Not much else there but the wooden Hinayana temple and the White Pagoda, rebuilt and placed here by local people in 1983.
A collection of villages as example of the minority groups isn't such a bad idea, but it would be infinitely more satisfying to see them in their natural setting.
More to come!

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