
Monday, February 05, 2007

Kunming photos

Here I am in Kunming, where the people are proud of their city and its environment, and it shows in their tidy streets and flower-bordered walkways. As usual there is a great contrast between ancient and modern, and between the haves and have-nots. In one side street, a mosque stood out among the modern buildings, and around the corner from a tall modern fashion building stood an ancient building with its colourful facade. Up that end of town is the Weis restaurant, where we ate thin crusty pizza in sunshine. As we walked home, we veered off the main drag to walk around a park. In an old long stone pergola, with vines asleep for the season, music came from a traditional string instrument and a middle-aged man singing with his microphone ... Before them, in amidst a crowd of working people and unemployed (it seemed to me) a lady in traditional costume danced slowly, holding out her hands to a young fan out for a walk with her dad. Up and down the old edifice, people - mainly mature males - sat and listened, or smoked and stared off into the municipal garden. But free lunchtime entertainment, with the occasional game of cards, is a good respite from a hard life, scrunging to make a buck or living on the low state pension. When we returned to the hotel, I noticed again the long strings of 'fake' firecrackers used to decorate the entrance when there are weddings afoot - and there are plenty at this popular hotel. I took a photo just to remind me of the difference between sophisticated Kunming where the symbol will ward the 'bad spirits' off, and Linfen where the air is alive with the noise and smell and loud bangs of fireworks all day everyday! (Couldn't post that photo - I've overloaded the system. I'll post it separately.)

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