
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine's Day calls for a Poem!

looking down on Kunming
from the eighteenth floor
in the eleventh month
of our marriage
we dine Thai in China
full of contradictions ourselves
besides the cross-dictions
of our lingo and the world
around us
our favourite music
an old traditional string player
between the two best bookshops
our favourite book
a Shanghai who-done-it
with the chief detective a poet
our favourite shops
the Flower & Bird Market
with fierce dragons
and ancient crazed vases
a new restaurant around
every corner hold the chillies!
even here a rose means
I Love You and so today
young men carried red bouquets
to their wives and lovers.

We say this is a day we will always remember
then laugh when we can't remember
our first Valentine's Day last year.
'Live In The Present' we chorus,
looking out at the rose-red neon signs
of Kunming at night.

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