
Thursday, March 15, 2007

The 4th Kokako Haiku and Senryu Competition is now International!

Closing date: 31st October, 2007
First Prize

2 Runners-up prizes NZ$50 each

Catherine Mair

Send entries to:

The Kokako Haiku Competition
Patricia Prime, co-editor
42 Flanshaw Road
Te Atatu South
Auckland 8
New Zealand

Please make cheques out to Kokako
Overseas entrants may send cash at their own risk

Conditions of entry:

1.Haiku must be previously unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere.
2.Entry fee is NZ$5 for every 3 haiku; for overseas entries, US$1 per haiku.
3.Send two copies of each haiku, or group of haiku, with your name and address on one copy only.
4.Winning haiku and commended entries will be published in Kokako 8 (April, 2008).
5.Winners will be notified by mail.
6.Any theme is acceptable.

Any queries, email:

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