
Monday, September 10, 2007

See the 'Lighght'

Robert Frost once said, Poetry begins in delight and ends in wisdom. This little poem is delightful. See the history of it at

Here's the start:

You Call That Poetry?!

How seven letters managed to freak out an entire nation.

by Ian Daly

On a cool autumn evening in 1965, a 22-year-old poet named Aram Saroyan typed seven letters that would amount to one of the most controversial poems in history. Not that he knew it at the time. It was growing late, and a waiting friend (Saroyan can’t remember his name) was getting antsy. He wanted to leave Saroyan’s little apartment on Manhattan’s Upper West Side and head downtown to Le Metro CafĂ© where Lou Reed and The Fugs and Andy Warhol liked to hang out when they were still freaks, not superstars. But Saroyan held him off. Dead center on the sheet of paper curled in his Royal manual typewriter, he clacked out this single misspelled word:


Then they split. More than four decades after they shut the door, people are still talking about this word.

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