
Sunday, January 20, 2008

50 Best British Writers since 1945 - and 50 Best Australian Writers since 1945

Hey, I am amazed at the rankings of this list! Maybe it is not meant to be in order, but they have numbered them - with Philip Larkin at Number One! And Ted Hughes at ... We'll all have a different scale, won't we. Take a look - anyone missing?

Now, how about an Aussie list?

50 Best Australian Writers since 1945 ...
(in no particular order)

Helen Garner,
Peter Carey,
Tim Winton,
Patrick White,
Gwen Harwood,
Vincent Buckley,
David Williamson,
AD Hope,
David Malouf,
John Tranter,
Les Murray,
Robert Adamson,
Kevin Hart,
Peter Cowan,
Shirley Hazzard,
Janette Turner-Hospital,
Frank Moorhouse,
Hal Porter,
Randolph Stowe,
Andrew Taylor,
Dorothy Hewett,
Thom Shapcott,
John Forbes,
Judith Wright,
Thomas Kenneally,
Glenda Adams,
Elizabeth Jolley,
Kim Scott,
Kenneth Slessor,
Thea Astley,
Bruce Dawe,
Morris Gleitzman,
John Marsden,
Clive James,
Kate Grenville,
Ern Malley,
Bruce Beaver,
Peter Porter,
John Kinsella,
Geoff Page,
Jack Davis,
John Blight,
Geraldine Brooks,
Paul Jennings,
Brenda Walker,
Gail Jones,
Dorothy Porter

Ah, I don't know how many there now. Feel free to add, subtract, and disagree. Thanks to my wife Jeanette for contributing to this list as well.

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