
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Possibilities ...

I'm not an expert on Copyright, so I will only post a taste of this poem by Robert Creeley, posted ('by permission') on the Poetry Daily website -


For Susan Rothenberg

What do you wear?
How does it feel
to wear clothes?
What shows
what you were or where?

This accident, accidental, person,
feeling out, feelings out—
outside the box one's in—
skin's resonances, reticent romances,
the blotch of recognition, blush?

It's a place one's going,
going out to, could reach
out just so far to be at the edge
of it all, there, no longer inside,
waiting, expectant, a confused thing.

Ah, it's a delightful poem to read and I urge you to find it and read it at (Go to the archives and input Creeley.)

Here is the final verse:

Nothing's apart from all and seeing is
the obvious beginning of an act
can only bring one closer to the art
of being closer. So feeling all there is,
one's hands and heart grow full.

Robert Creeley
The Collected Poems of Robert Creeley, 1975-2005
University of California Press

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