
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

WOW Reading 7.30pm Monday 3 March

Jane Cornes is the coordinator and motivator behind Perth's vibrant city literature readings, Walking On Water - aka WOW. Here is her publicity for next month's event:

Yes, it IS a long weekend and yes, we WILL be having WOW as usual!

Our invited reader is MURRAY JENNINGS, who will read from his just-published book of poetry, "Flash Company".

Given WOW's new format of occasional invited readers and a focus on our own work, please do bring along something/s to share, to a strict maximum of five minutes.

Where: The Laneway, between Murray & Wellington Streets (almost across the road from Miss Maud's)
When: Monday 3 March 2008
Time: 7.30pm
Bring: Your own mug.
Tea and coffee supplied. Biscuits appreciated.
$5 waged/$ unwaged

WOW is a not for profit organisation. We are not funded and all door monies go towards the rent.

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