
Monday, April 14, 2008

COTTONMOUTH Correspondence

I am passing this on for the organisers:

Cottonmouth is a new spoken word narrative art project coming out of Perth, Western Australia. In an attempt to break out from the isolation of this far flung city, Cottonmouth has adopted a very unique format - it is part performance night, part publicaiton, part podcast. This means that Cottonmouth has, at its heart, a national perspective. Therefore, it is looking for national content for its zine, COTTTONMOUTH. This zine is now open for submissions. There are a few simple guidelines:

- submit two poems of no more than 60 lines each.

- submit four smaller poems if they are no more than 15 lines each.

- submit ficition or non fiction of no more than 1200 words max.

- submit up to four illustrations in black and white, 300dpi and suitable for publication.

- ALL WORK must be accompanied with a 50 word bio. please remember to include weblinks in your bios if you wish to draw readers attention to your work online.

- each piece submitted must be in a separate attachment.

- bio can appear in body of email but must also appear as separate attachment also.

- rtfs, word documents and jpegs are preferred form of attachment.

- please include postal address if you wish to receive a copy of the zine and you're unable to attend COTTONMOUTH, which occurs on the second thursday of every month at the rosemount hotel's bar 459 on the corner of fitzgerald and angove streets in north perth.

- please email all work to and remember that this is a monthly publication, so work may appear in one or two issues depending.

Thank you for your time. For more information please visit and check out readings from previous nights, videos of performers and the unique body of work that is our Pegline Project.

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