
Friday, January 02, 2009

Get writing!

from : 'Our prompt is simple - a poem about laundry, wash, clotheslines or anything connected to that whole simple experience.'

This site is a good thought starter for poems if you haven't a thought in your head but you want to write. Maybe it is a rare moment when you have time to write - our busy lives are like that, aren't they. The current prompt is inspired by a Jane Kenyon poem called WASH


All day the blanket snapped and swelled
on the line, roused by a hot spring wind....
From there it witnessed the first sparrow,
early flies lifting their sticky feet,
and a green haze on the south-sloping hills.
Clouds rose over the mountain... At dusk
I took the blanket in, and we slept,
restless, under its fragrant weight.

Jane Kenyon from Otherwise

- and even undomesticated I can relate to that! You get to offer up your poem for publication too if you have it finished before January 10. Get writing!

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