
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tinfish - Looking for Submissions

Aloha! We at Tinfish are looking for work for our 19th issue of the magazine. Submissions of up to 6 poems are welcome from anyone in or beside the Pacific Ocean. Please send to 47-728 Hui Kelu Street #9, Kaneohe, HI 96744. Don't just send us your own work; also send another poet our way, as well. If you don't know what kind of work we publish, go to the website and check under "free stuff," or better yet, subscribe to the journal!

This year we will publish books by Paul Naylor and Kaia Sand, as well as our annual mag. So please keep your ear close to our URL:

I have started a Tinfishish blog, too:
so please check there on occasion.

Susan M. Schultz
Tinfish editor

Go to the Tinfish website for more information

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