
Saturday, February 07, 2009

Creative Writing Workshops by the Sea

Last Wednesday was the first of my Creative Writing Workshops at Tom Collins House for 2009. We had a small number but all interested in furthering their writing skills and all eager to shake the rust from their pens (or laptops). If, Mr Rudd wishes to throw money at the population, perhaps he should subsidise computer equipment for beginning writers who are not cashed up. Just a thought ...

Anyway, I thought LOVE would be a popular subject so I went with that trying to win back Valentine's Day to a Romantic base: write a Romantic poem or text to your partner or someone you'd like to have as partner. There were howls of shock at the idea! It was not popular - so I persevered and soon we were discussing the various aspects of love you could approach, with examples from Nikki Giovanni, ee cummings, Galway Kinnell and my friend Max Richards from Melbourne. He had emailed a nostalgic tender love poem of sorts earlier that day, and I used it in the group. It was about the most popular poem there, so 'local grown' is again the best >g<

A couple of phone calls have come in for people wanting to know what time it starts. That's strange because I always write the hours it runs when I advertise it. Oh, well, maybe they just want to make contact first, and use that as an opening gambit.

Here are the details again:

Creative Writing Workshops
lead by Andrew Burke
each and every Wednesday
10am to noon
Tom Collins House

home of the Fellowship of Australian Writers
in the trees
cnr Wood and Kirkwood Streets

$20 per session, or $120 per 8 sessions
(Unwaged and pensioners of all types, $15 per session)

Cartoon from one of the funniest cartoonists in Oz, Judy Horacek at

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