
Friday, February 13, 2009

Victorian Bushfire Images from The Age

There must be the right words to say about the bush fires tragedy in Victoria but I haven't found them. My mouth dries up whenever I let my imagination go to the last seconds of those poor victims' lives. Blame? The game has begun, as we all knew it would, but I hope it will peter out through lack of support very quickly. A cohesive and solid plan for the nation for such tragedies in future is the only activity worth pursuing now. Perhaps Tim Flannery and General Peter Cosgrove could be asked to head such a multi-disciplinary team. The immediate on-the-ground task is the re-establishment of the survivors' lives, and many heroes are already working day and night at that task, from the armed forces to local CWA groups. I thank them all for doing what I can't help do from this distance.

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