
Monday, March 09, 2009

The 2009 NZPS International Poetry Competition

The 2009 New Zealand Poetry Society International Poetry Competition closes on 31 May and all entries must be received by that date.

Please read the competition rules carefully before submitting your entry. All rules must be complied with in order for your entry to be considered, and disqualified entries will not have fees refunded. If your entry arrives after 31 May it will be considered for inclusion in our annual anthology, but will not be read by the judges, and entry fees will not be refunded.

The competition rules can be read and downloaded below, and entry forms can also be downloaded. The forms are in pdf format, and if you have any problem opening or downloading them, please contact the Competition Secretary at to have them sent to you as Word documents.

You can also receive paper copies of the rules and entry forms by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to:

The Competition Secretary
PO Box 5283
Wellington 6145

The 2009 judges are:

Michael Harlow - Open Section

Sue Wootton - Open Junior Section

Tony Chad - Haiku Section

Linzy Forbes - Haiku Junior Section

We look forward to receiving your entries, and wish you luck in the competition.

We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of our sponsors, Community Post.

Competition Rules - Open and Junior Open Section:

(Haiku and Junior Haiku rules are available by clicking on the link below.)

• All entries are to be the original work of the entrant, and may not have been previously published, broadcast on radio or TV, or awarded any prize or payment.

• We do not classify poems appearing on author blogs or personal websites, or posted by the author to newsgroups or online workshops, as previously published. We do classify poems appearing in online or print magazines as previously published. If you are unsure about the publication standing of a particular poem, please query before submitting.

• The author’s name must be recorded only on the entry form. Submissions bearing a name or any other form of identification on the poem page will be disqualified and entry fees will not be returned.

• Entries must be in English and typed or very clearly handwritten on one side only of the page, one poem per page.

• Number of entries is unlimited. Poems may be up to 40 lines.

• Please enclose two copies of each poem, each on a separate sheet of paper.

• Entries will not be returned but will be destroyed, so please keep a copy.

• Poems must not be submitted elsewhere before 31 August 2009, by which time entrants will be notified if their poems have won or been accepted for publication in our anthology.

• Entry constitutes acceptance of all terms herein.

Open Section Prizes: 1st prize NZ$500, 2nd prize NZ$200, 3rd prize NZ$100.

Entry fee is NZ$5 per poem; NZ$4 per poem for NZPS members.

Open Junior Section Prizes (Open only to entrants who are 17 years of age or younger on 31 May 2008.) First Prize: NZ$200. Primary/Intermediate: 1st runner-up: NZ$100, 2nd runner-up NZ$50; Secondary: 1st runner-up NZ$150, 2nd runner-up NZ$100.

Entry fee is NZ$2 per poem. Please do not send coins; you can send 4 x 50c stamps per poem.

Overseas entries are welcomed in both sections.

Fees may be paid by cheque, in cash at your own risk, or by IRC (worth NZ$2 each, available from post offices). Overseas entrants may pay the NZ$ equivalent in their own currency (see for exchange rate). Please do not send coins of any currency. No change or overpayments of less than $5 will be refunded.

Results will be published in our bimonthly magazine, posted on our website, emailed by request, or enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope (SSAE) with your entry.

Publication: All poems entered must be made available for publication in an anthology to be published by the NZPS in November 2009. Entrants will be notified by 31 August 2009 if their poems have won or been accepted for publication. NZPS has the right of first publication of all poems accepted for the anthology.

Promotion: Winners consent to the use of their poems for promotional purposes by the NZPS including but not limited to our website, brochure, and magazine.

Copyright in individual poems will remain with the poet, but copyright in any book produced by The New Zealand Poetry Society Inc will remain with the NZPS.

All entry forms and rules & conditions available through:

Entries MUST BE RECEIVED by: 31 May 2009

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