
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Magpie poem project

John Malone invited other people on facebook to contribute haiku or haiku-like links to a poem along the lines of 13 Ways to view a Blackbird, by Wallace Stevens. Here's the result:

The Mag-Pie Poetry Project: a collaborative celebration of all things 'magpie' by fellow facebookers in haiku or haiku-like verse. These poems were collected over a period of only two days and appear in roughly the order in which they were received (JM):

11 Ways of Looking at a Magpie

low-flying magpie
dips wings, changes direction;
watching child applauds.

deborah green

punch-drunk magpie: pounding his reflection

john malone

black and white;
surely brown and grey?
half there in yellow grass

abigail dunleavy

heat wave ---
a magpie looks up
at the closed tap

myron lysenko

sticky-beak --
a magpie flies away
with the cat's lunch

maya lyubenova

persistent begging
of baby magpie. Gaping
mouth worm-filled. Silence

trevor hampel

cracking dawn
black white flash of
magpie beak

susan hawthorne

evening worship
in the silence between chants
magpie carolling

lyn reeves

after the shouting
two magpies in the garden
keeping their distance

rob scott

The 'Pies are out of the finals.
He sits and scratches at
the Magpie on his chest
but it won't fly off.

andrew burke

spring morn; cycling
through smoggy traffic, skirting parks
with trees --- and magpies

amelia walker

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