
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

New SHOp out now - in Ireland

SHOp 32 (Spring 2010) is now out, and available in nearly all the best bookshops...[in UK, Ireland, etc. Good luck in Australia!]

Contributors to this issue include Michael Longley, Seán Lysaght, Paula Meehan, Peter Porter, Knute Skinner, William Wall and many others, some never previously published. Ilya Kaminsky and Anatoly Kudryavitsky, writing here in English, were both born in Russia. There are six Japanese poems translated into Irish, with back translations into English, by Gabriel Rosenstock.

The cover picture is a formalised image of the Hill of Tara and its gods and kings by Jeanette McCulloch. She also contributed two of the black and white illustrations accompanying some of the poems.

Here's a sample poem from SHOp 32. It's "Fourteenth Week" by Ilya Kaminsky:

On the balconies, sunlight, on poplars, sunlight, on our lips.
Today no one was shooting, there is just sunlight and sunlight.
A girl cuts her hair with imaginary scissors--
A girl in sunlight, a school in sunlight, a horse in sunlight.
A boy steals a pair of shoes from an arrogant man in sunlight.
I speak and I say sunlight falling inside us, sunlight.
When they shot fifty women on Tedna St.,
I sat down to write and tell you what I know:
A child learns the world by putting it in his mouth;
A boy becomes a man and a man earth.
Body, they blame you for all things and they
seek in the body what does not live in the body.

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