
Monday, June 28, 2010

General submission guidelines for 2010 – Poetry

Submission Guidelines for the 2010 National Jazz Writing Competition (poetry)

* Submit up to three poems
* Maximum 50 lines and 500 words per poem
* The poem must be about or inspired by an aspect of jazz or improvised music in Australia.
* Entry is free. Thanks to the assistance of the Copyright Agency Limited (CAL)’s Cultural Fund we do not need to charge an administration fee in 2010.
* Entries must not be published anywhere until after the prize has been announced.
* The competition is open to: Australian Residents who are not judges of the competition in the year of entry.
* Submit your entry by 30 June 2010. If posting, the envelope must be postmarked on or before 30 June. If emailing, the email must be sent no later than midnight on 30 June 2010, Eastern Australian time.
* Poems should be typed in 12 point font and double spaced.
* The competition is judged ‘blind’ so do not include your name on your poem(s). Submit a separate sheet with your details.
* First prize is $750. Other prizes will also be awarded for second and third places.
* Entries will not be returned. Please keep a copy for your own records.
* The decision of the judges is final. No discussion.
* Any entry that does not meet the criteria set out in the submission guidelines will not be considered

Your details on a separate sheet

Submit a separate sheet with your essay that includes the following information:

* Your name and address
* The title(s) of your poem(s)
* A contact telephone number
* Your email address
* Once again: Do not include your name on the poem(s)

Where to send entries

Email: with attachments in Microsoft Word ™ or PDF format to
Post: Send hard copies printed single-sided on white A4 paper to:
National Jazz Writing Competition
PO Box 3079, Cotham LPO
Kew Vic 3101


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