
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hear Charles Bernstein read on ABC's Poetica on air or online

Poetica this week on ABC National Radio features one of my favourites, USA poet Charles Bernstein. It is repeated again on Thursday afternoon, but is available online for two weeks or so at

Here are the ABC's notes:

Thank you for saying thank you

A meeting with New York poet Charles Bernstein.

Charles Bernstein was born in New York City in 1950 and has published more than 20 books of poetry. He has been closely involved with the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poetry movement, and in the 1970s co-founded the journal of the same name.

In this production Charles Bernstein speaks to Anna Messariti in New York about his life and work, and reads a selection of his sharp, funny and political poems.

Sound engineer: David Le May
Producer: Christine Kinsella

Charles Bernstein's Selected Poems is published by Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

Poems in the program

There's Beauty in the Sound
Thank you for saying thank you
The Ballad of the Girly Man
In Particular
Wherever Angels Go
It's 8.23 in New York

All from Girly Man published by University of Chicago Press

Doggy Bag
From With Strings published by University of Chicago Press.

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