
Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hope that you can make it along to JACKADDER’S MUSIC CLUB this Sunday June 20 at 3pm to enjoy the music and humour of award winning singer,songwriter DEB BECKETT.

She has picked up a swag of awards in recent years including: Western Australian Country Music Senior Songwriter Award 4 times as well as the Best Female Vocal award in 2007 & 2009. She recorded her album “Life, Love and Laughter Lines” in 2009. There are many and varied reasons for artists producing albums – but in the case of DEB BECKETT, the inspiration was both simple and compelling.

In October last year, the much awarded songwriter and twice winner of the W.A. Female vocal award in 2007 and 2009 was diagnosed with cancer. “It really was a shock," says Deb. "I'd never been sick in my life before and suddenly I was facing something that could take my life. I decided early on I was going to fight it with everything. I would keep really positive and not let the circumstances stop me from pursuing a dream which suddenly became not just rekindled but blazing.

“One of the things that suddenly seemed so important was to make sure that if I didn’t win the battle, I’d leave behind something that said what I was about apart from being a Mum, daughter and sister.” In 2005 I had entered one of my songs in the W.A. Country Music Awards. I’d never entered anything before and won with a song called ‘Off to the Diggings”. So off I went to Boyup Brook and dipped my toe back into country music – and it felt good so I decided to dive back in.”
I’d never felt comfortable being out front on the stage, even though that’s where I wanted to be, and I never thought in a million years I could do it. “But at Boyup Brook in 2005 I had to sing my winning song. I found the confidence I’d always lacked. The stage fright was gone – it was like finding a dream you’d tucked away and forgotten about.

“I came home with a rekindled dream to be a singer/songwriter, and I’ve pursued that since 2005 working around Western Australia.”

But inspiration is a selective thing, and whilst the reasons behind her renewed confidence and making of her album are clear, Deb’s amazing upbeat attitude should be an inspiration to plenty of others out there.

“I guess that having this Cancer, though a horrible thing, has brought about some positive things as well, like not taking things for granted and making the most of every day and not putting things off until tomorrow,” say Deb.

Support acts are Danny Gunzburg and Debra Ratcliffe.

The venue is Woodlands Reserve Hall, Teakwood Ave, Woodlands

For more details call Carmel on 94461558

Cost $8 Adults. Children free. Afternoon tea included

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