
Friday, September 10, 2010

Submit poems to COOKING WITH FIRE ...

Every day poets across the world scribble on napkins or snack at their computers, and the Cafe Poet program has poets writing every week in cafes across Australia, in an environment that is all about food.

Words brewed in this atmosphere are bound to be heavily spiced with foodie metaphor, so I’m putting together a hybrid recipe/poetry book to celebrate the word/food joy that is poetry.

Cooking With Fire will be a small chapbook disguised as a recipe book. Poets will be "paid" in copies of the book, which they can then sell on at any price they like. The launch will take place at BookTalk Cafe in Richmond.

I’m seeking:

a) poems that are themed around food, eating, cooking, growing, and
b) recipes that are inherently poetic.

Poems that are 30 lines or less would be ideal, but longer poems will be accepted if they are wonderful.

The submission deadline is the 20th of September 2010.

Submissions should be sent to cookingwithfire (at), and you can also email if you have enquiries.



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