
Friday, January 07, 2011


He's giving a TV interview
first extolling the beauty of Hawaii
he's one of the ones who escaped.

Imagination, he says, defines us
as humans, able to eschew propaganda,
but he's read everything, including
the propaganda he disprizes. We

are supposed to have dominion over
the beasts of the air and the field, we
are supposed understand all things
through our nerves and skin
except how to hear what they tell us.

He starts each day writing down notes
in a spiral notebook
each morning
no computer
his door is open
listening for a sound
until it comes

He does not speak of effort
but transcribes, perhaps,
perhaps he will not say he is
a sacred stenographer
but that's his gist
he is not decorative
not about seeking an answer
not he nor we will ever have.

Ken Wolman

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