
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Poet Laureate for Western Australia?

I saw this in my email incoming this morning, and it prompted me to think it would be nice if we had a Poet Laureate for Western Australia. We may have to begin without a budget, but poets are no doubt used to that Suggested poets would include Andrew Taylor, Fay Zwicky, Caroline Caddy, Dennis Haskell (he may be too busy!!), Kevin Gillam, Anna Marie Weldon, Glen Phillips - and the list goes on. We do have a fine array of poets, don't we!

Here's the email I refer to:

*The application for California Poet Laureate is now open. The submission deadline is February 1, 2011.*

*If you are a poet, I encourage you to nominate yourself. I also encourage all of you to nominate the amazing poets in California!*

*California's poets are absolutely among the most prestigious in the nation. The California Poet Laureate is a Governor's appointee. We now have a new Governor, and it is also time to begin the selection process for the next California Poet Laureate. The mission of the California Poet Laureate is to spread the art of poetry from classrooms to boardrooms across the state, to inspire an emerging generation of literary artists, and to educate all Californians about the many poets and authors who have influenced our great state through creative literary expression.*

*I look forward to reading your nominations!*

Kristin Margolis
Literary Arts Specialist
California Arts Council * *


Just a thought. Maybe we could ask some illustrious benefactor to finance the first year - payment for visiting schools and universaties, organising some events, travelling to outback areas, appearinf on radio and TV, and running a dedicated blog.

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