
Thursday, May 05, 2011

ALR's May Short Story Competition (troubled family relationship)

The Australian Literature Review is accepting submissions of stories 1000 – 3000 words for the May short story comp (theme: troubled family relationship) until midnight May 20th.

The winner will receive feedback of 400-500 words on their short story by two of three commercially published novelists below, as well as a Kindle ereader (3G + WiFi).

With your entry, indicate which 2 of the 3 authors you would like to receive feedback from if you win.

The runner up will receive feedback from the author not picked by the winner.

Stories should be submitted to The winner will be announced May 30th. Stories can be submitted as a document attached to your email or in the body of the email itself. There are no special formatting requirements. Multiple entries are allowed.

Theme: Troubled family relationship (can be any kind of story as long as conflict between family members is a major part of the story)

Michael White
(historical mystery and action-adventure novelist)
Rebecca James (psychological thriller novelist)
Bernadette Kelly (children’s book author)

Each of the authors are likely to have quite a different focus for their feedback, and the opportunity to compare feedback from two published novelists should provide some useful insights and ideas for your story and for your fiction writing in general. Good luck.

This is part of a round of monthly short story comps running in March, April and May.


The Australian Literature Review

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