
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mascara's New Issue is out now.

Check out Issue 9 May 2011 at

It features poems by Anthony Lawrence Michele Leggott Andy Kissane Marlene Marburg Ashley Capes Ali Jane Smith Nicholas YB Wong Mal McKimmie Margaret Bradstock rob walker Jennifer Compton Judith Beveridge Sue Lockwood Anis Shivani Brook Emery Philip Hammial Aidan Coleman Sam Byfield Tricia Dearborn Peter Lach-Newinsky Anna Ryan-Punch Desh Balasubramaniam Michael Sharkey Alan Pejković Jo Langdon Sridala Swami

And a story by Alan Gould

I fully intend to submit for the Special Poetry Issue, so I don't know why I'm telling you about it!


Submissions to Mascara Literary Review are by e-mail. We only consider previously unpublished work, ie first serial rights, electronic and print. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable as long as we are notified immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Submissions are closed in the month of April and in the month of October.

Send 3-5 poems and a short bio in a single Microsoft Word doc as an attachment, labelled with your name.

For fiction, submit 1 short story up to 3000 words, or for flash fiction send no more than 1000 words in a single Microsoft Word doc as an attachment, labelled with your name.

Essays, Reviews and Translations will be considered.

Formatting must be in 12 point Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced. Please identify your attachment by surname. You need to write the word fiction, poetry, review or translation in the subject title of your e-mail. Our response time is 3-6 months. Please do not query before 3 months.

Send your work to submissions[at]mascarareview[dot]com

Payment is applicable to Australian writers:

Two poems: $100
Fiction: $100
Reviews: $60
Translations: two or more poems: $100

We encourage you to read at least one or two issues of the journal before submitting your work.


Issue 10 will be guest edited by Keri Glastonbury in poetry. Submissions for issue 10 will be accepted from May 2011 to September 2011. For this special issue we are calling for prose poems.

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