
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yalgorup Poetry / Installation for Art Gallery Launch Exhibition: Annamaria Weldon and Carolyn Marks

INQB8.mandurah, a new art gallery and studio space, will be opened on Friday May 27th 2011 by the City's Mayor, Paddi Creevey and Artsource's Executive Director, Jude Van der Merwe. Its inaugural exhibition runs from Saturday May 28th to Sunday 26th June (Wednesdays to Sundays, 12 noon to 4pm, with 6pm later closing on Thursdays only).

The gallery has allocated a studio to Bush Journal: an installation based on Annamaria Weldon's poetry, conceived, drawn and constructed by artist and sculptor Carolyn Marks. Their collaboration has grown from working creatively together on several Stretch Festival projects since meeting in 2009 (through Weldon's Adaptation residency project Sharing the Edge, with naturalist Laurie Smith, at Symbiotica, UWA). Carolyn and Annamaria are inspired by the coastal wetlands around Lake Clifton at Yalgorup National Park; Bush Journal depicts - in drawings, sounds and words - a walk through this wild landscape of thrombolites and other life-forms, from first light to moonrise.

Carolyn's intricately hand-drawn scenes are ingeniously layered with the verses which prompted her compositions in charcoal - and with a flow of digital images from Weldon's nature photos. The gallery is providing visitors with individual MP3 players, so that you can move around the room at your own pace and hear me read the original poems with evocative accompaniment from George Walley on didge. The CD of Bush Journal words and music was recorded for the exhibition by sound artist Lee Kennedy .

In addition to Carolyn Marks and Annamaria Weldon, INQB8.exhibition features works by the artists Paul Fleetham, Judith Gardiner, Barbara Pennell, Patricia Hines, Sara McAleer, Carol Nicholson, Debbie Zibah, Gary Aitken (who curated the show). So while exploring the varied ways INQB8 celebrates creative writing and the studio space this gallery offers, you can enjoy ceramics, jewellery, textiles, painting, printmaking, digital art and sculpture!

INQB8.mandurah is easy to find: it shares a car-park with the Council Administration Building at 63 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah W.A. 6210. If you are driving from Perth, head South along the freeway to the new Mandurah turnoff at *Mandjoogoordap Drive. Previously signed as Lymon Rd, its new name has not been updated on Google Maps as yet - but it is now the most direct link to Mandurah Road and from there, Ormsby Terrace is minutes away.

*MEETING PLACE OF THE HEART: "Daisy Bates wrote in her diary that Mandjoogoordap was the original Noongar name for Mandurah and means ‘meeting place of the heart’. . . Apparently, Thomas Peel had difficulty pronouncing Mandjoogoordap and told the Noongars that he was going to change or shorten the name." (Mayor Creevey, Mandurah Mail Online 28 Jan 2010)

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