
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The 2011 Sydney City Poet - Apply Now!

The aim of the Sydney City Poet is to encourage and promote the reading, writing and appreciation of literature and poetry across Sydney and New South Wales, and to reflect the city of Sydney in their work.

The 2011 Sydney City Poet will be appointed for a 1 year term, commencing in July 2011. The City Poet will be based in an office with the Creative Practices Area of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) on a part-time basis and will receive a stipend of $20,000 for the year, provided by the NSW Government.

The role of the Sydney City Poet:
· to write and present poetry for public occasions, ceremonies or prominent events
· represent and be an ambassador for the city of Sydney in regards to poetry and the arts locally, nationally and internationally
· contribute to the community and regional sector of New South Wales by participating in literary focused programs
· collaborate with organisations and institutions to promote poetry

It is expected that the 2011 Sydney City Poet will:
· work in partnership with the UTS Centre for New Writing and Arts NSW to develop a program for the year
· produce 6 publishable poems during the year (including some related to cultural, civic and special events)which can be published online and/or in print. These poems will celebrate the city of Sydney in a variety of ways
· give public readings of their own work at formal or informal public events
· deliver 2 workshops / seminars during the year to interested students, poets and the general public
· have some kind of regional engagement, for example, online or through the NSW network of writer’s centres
· provide mentoring to less experienced poets locally, regionally and nationally

The position of 2011 Sydney City Poet is supported by the UTS Centre for New Writing and the NSW Government through Arts NSW.

You may direct enquiries about the City Poet to John Dale, Head, Creative Practices, FASS, UTS on or 02 95141951

To apply for the 2011 Sydney City Poet please forward a CV and a 3 page application by 1 July 2011 detailing how you would fulfill the duties of the Sydney Poet to:
City Poet, UTS Centre for New Writing, FASS, UTS PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007

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