
Monday, August 22, 2011

Poet John Mateer at Ethics Centre, Christ Church Grammar School, Claremont

23 August · 19:00 - 22:00

Senior Students' Common Room, Christ Church Grammar School, Claremont, WA

The Fellowship of Australian Writers of Western Australia

More info
After his talk, John will discuss his ideas with Tony Hughes d'Aeth.

Evening supported by the Westerly Centre, UWA & the Department for Culture and the Arts.

John Mateer was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has published five books of poems and a prose travelogue on Indonesia with Fremantle Press. He has given readings of his work at poetry festivals in Europe, Asia, Australia and South Africa. Selections of his poems have been translated into Japanese, Indonesian, Portuguese and German. Of his work The Japan Times has written: ‘Mateer’s manner and the complex resonances of his work reminded me a little of the prose of his compatriot, the Nobel-prize-winning novelist JM Coetzee. The poems are inquisitorial, ethically preoccupied and sometimes powerfully intense.’

For more of Mateer's activities at FAWWA, check out - Poet in residence - John Mateer Mon 15th through to Wed 31st August 2011 Tom Collins House

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